** NVIDIA GTX 560Ti "448 Edition" NOW AVAILABLE! **

any benchmarks floating about for this?
i'd be willing to recommend them if they are comparable to the standard 570 out of the box (because that twin frozr would be a bit quieter than the standard 570)
Tom Logan said:
We can't have been the only people who were disappointed with the overclocking speed and performance of the latest GTX560Ti 448 cards.

So having a little extra time we went back and did a complete fresh install of everything and tried to improve the results. The ******* was stubborn in its refusal to overclock any further than we originally saw, but the MSI proved to be a corker. Here are some fresh results.

Tom Logan said:
Despite the ridiculously high overclock that we now have on the MSI, it's still cooler than the ******. 200MHz faster, 3°C cooler. Tough to argue with the capabilities of the Twin Frozr III cooler.

Tom Logan said:
It wasn't just a case of a big number either, as the results were generally spectacular. It was consistently faster than an overclocked GTX570 and on occasion was neck and neck with the GTX580.

Tom Logan said:
Suddenly that £250 price-tag for a card that overclocks like a demon and outperforms a GTX570 and can run a GTX580 close seems like a bargain, and we're happy to modify our score and award to reflect this. The important thing is that the final result accurately reflects the product.

*edited because some people seem to think that these are my words*
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This card is on THIS WEEK ONLY at just £227.99 Inc. VAT, our cheapest GTX 570 is £251.99 Inc. VAT also on offer and this MSI varient clocks beyond 570 speeds, I'd agree with OC3D that all of a sudden this is a good value card for the performance on offer. :)

The Gigabyte bashing is getting a little old, and actually puts me off MSI as a company.

It's all well and good tooting your horn about your own products etc but why do you seem to have to bring other companies into the equation in an attempt to show how better you are?

It's just childish, grow up as a company IMHO and you will start to command greater respect from people.

The Gigabyte bashing is getting a little old, and actually puts me off MSI as a company.

It's all well and good tooting your horn about your own products etc but why do you seem to have to bring other companies into the equation in an attempt to show how better you are?

It's just childish, grow up as a company IMHO and you will start to command greater respect from people.


The review I found has the Gigabyte one at 950 core and 4000 memory. Can't link to the review site here as the forum stars it out

By increasing voltage by roughly 10 per cent, we managed to maintain stability with the core cranked up to 950MHz and the memory boosted to an effective 4,400MHz. That represents an increase of around 30 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively

Eitherway, for what they cost - they seem ok? Are the 570's genuinely better value for money?
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The Gigabyte bashing is getting a little old, and actually puts me off MSI as a company.

It's all well and good tooting your horn about your own products etc but why do you seem to have to bring other companies into the equation in an attempt to show how better you are?

It's just childish, grow up as a company IMHO and you will start to command greater respect from people.

Well said.
I personally don't mind companys bashing other companys if their product is superior, why not flaunt it if you are better than the rest.

BUT! saying all this I had a Gigabyte GTX 570 stock reference card that clocked to GTX 580 speeds earlier in the year.

What that review failed to mention is Any! brand GTX 570 can overclock to just as much as is twin sister the NVIDIA GTX 560Ti "448 Edition" ;)
I personally don't mind companys bashing other companys if their product is superior, why not flaunt it if you are better than the rest.

BUT! saying all this I had a Gigabyte GTX 570 stock reference card that clocked to GTX 580 speeds earlier in the year.

What that review failed to mention is Any! brand GTX 570 can overclock to just as much as is twin sister the NVIDIA GTX 560Ti "448 Edition" ;)

Not supposed to happen on our forums.

Scotti please do not speak about other companies, your an MSI represenitive and only hear to talk about your product, please remember this. :)
why not flaunt it if you are better than the rest.

There are different degrees of flaunting decency. Plus it depends on how many sources there are to back something up. If there are enough sources to proove that a product is indeed (lets say 'the fastest') then you can happily say 'We are the fastest', but note, that involves being better than everyone :p and due credit to them, and they should be respected and looked up to for what they have achieved. When that same company starts to sneer at other companies though ...well... instant respect loss.
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The Gigabyte bashing is getting a little old, and actually puts me off MSI as a company.

It's all well and good tooting your horn about your own products etc but why do you seem to have to bring other companies into the equation in an attempt to show how better you are?

It's just childish, grow up as a company IMHO and you will start to command greater respect from people.
I'm sorry if you think that was the aim. Lord knows why I would bother as Gibbo isnt selling the Gigabyte card. Please don't forget that they arent my words, I'm just quoting the reviewer :confused:, if they'd compared to the Asus or Zotac cards then I'd be doing the same. Read the review for yourself and you'll see that there aren't any statements that don't directl compare the two cards.

Personally I prefer reviews that focus on the card in hand rather than directly comparing them to other vendors but I cannot insist that the reviewer does not mention competitor products. I know for a fact that the reviewer in question has a great relationship with Gigabyte so I am positive that even he doesnt consider his words to be Gigabyte bashing, he was doing the natural thing of comparing the only two comparable products that he had at hand.

I was able to get two reviews done so far, both were treated as comparisons by the reviewer (Hardware Heaven compared our card to the Asus, Gigabyte and Zotac cards) Both reviews we came out on top but due to the way that the card is written neither review is directly quotable without mentioning competitors. :(

I've just sent a card over to Vortez in hope that they can provide a detailed review, hopefully comparing it to other MSI cards rather than competitor products. I know the quality and integrity of W3bbo's output so I really look forward to the results.
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Can someone tell me are any of these gtx 560ti 448 core a refference design as in would i be able to get ek wc blocks for them, have tried the configurator and none of them show or maybe it has not been updated yet?

Thanks in advance :)
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