MSI have every right to flaunt their currently superior cooling and build quality in graphics cards.
Maybe this is the only way that other companies will take notice and improve their products.
I wont be able to put anything worse in quality than a twinfrozr card or two in my PC again, and yes everything else including stuff from gigabyte and asus is worse.
MSI are also working hard on the greatest overclocking and video capture tool available. Ive owned Asus cards before that came with some kind of 'gamer OSD' overclocking and video capture tool which didnt even work with asus's own cards, nor could I find any way of recording gameplay as it advertised.
Seriously, if you dont yet realize how far ahead of the competition MSIs graphics hardware AND software currently is, you must have been living under a rock for the last year or two.
No I dont work for MSI, I simply own their cards and cant give their quality enough praise, nor ever go back to buying gigabyte, asus, or sapphire cards again.
Another thing worth noting - when Asus make a card of similar quality, they put it in their ROG range and charge a fortune for it. MSI dont, they still charge the same amount as a standard card for a blatantly superior graphics card.
A decent Intel CPU + Asus ROG series mobo + MSI twinfrozr graphics card = PURE EPIC SAUCE POURED OVER MY LEET CHOPS!
Maybe this is the only way that other companies will take notice and improve their products.
I wont be able to put anything worse in quality than a twinfrozr card or two in my PC again, and yes everything else including stuff from gigabyte and asus is worse.
MSI are also working hard on the greatest overclocking and video capture tool available. Ive owned Asus cards before that came with some kind of 'gamer OSD' overclocking and video capture tool which didnt even work with asus's own cards, nor could I find any way of recording gameplay as it advertised.
Seriously, if you dont yet realize how far ahead of the competition MSIs graphics hardware AND software currently is, you must have been living under a rock for the last year or two.
No I dont work for MSI, I simply own their cards and cant give their quality enough praise, nor ever go back to buying gigabyte, asus, or sapphire cards again.
Another thing worth noting - when Asus make a card of similar quality, they put it in their ROG range and charge a fortune for it. MSI dont, they still charge the same amount as a standard card for a blatantly superior graphics card.
A decent Intel CPU + Asus ROG series mobo + MSI twinfrozr graphics card = PURE EPIC SAUCE POURED OVER MY LEET CHOPS!
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