**NVIDIA PRICE DROP: GTX 670 FROM £249.99 & GTX 680 from £329.99 Inc. VAT!!!**

I guess that some brands are slower to react / are still selling well ?

They've all been reduced. Only the basic reference 680 hitting 329.99 and same for 670's.

The OC and uprated cooled or longer warranty ones have reduced but won't ever be as low priced as reference stock designs.
That is a VERY good price for a 670. I've got a Reference one and it's very good. Fan gets a bit noisy in BF3 but I use a headset so can't hear it. :) Temps are also good.
any word on if we'll see any reduction on the gigabyte 670 windforce (x3)?
been tempted to SLI for a while, and would prefer to pair with my existing card than have mis-matched, but with the KFA2 at £250, I can't really justify spending more than some 680s on one!

Same here, if I'm going to SLi I'd want matching cards. Which is doubly bad as I'd want to watercool at the same time meaning getting rid of the Windforce 3x coolers :(

Can't justify spending £60 more to match the card and throw away the cooler plus buy the watercooling kit too...
Would anyone be buying the GTX 680 when GTX 770 is the same price?

Yet the GTX 670 is still more expensive than the arguably faster HD 7950.
Will any of the 670 or 680 cards that OC's stock fit in a Silverstone Sugo SG05 case?


You would have to double check but this is going to be your best bet as it's the only 670 I know of which doesnt extend beyond the shorted PCB - around 6.7" compared to the usual 9.5". 680 are all full length PCBs (10") so no mini versions of that card that I know of.

In any case the Sugo isn't all that limited, I just double checked and it takes 10" cards so you should be able to fit a standard 670 or possibly shoehorn a 680 in.
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I wish I could reserve one of those 670s. Why do they have to choose to discontinue the 670s just after I chose to replace all my backup drives? Damn you paycheck, you're just not big enough >:(
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