**NVIDIA PRICE DROP: GTX 670 FROM £249.99 & GTX 680 from £329.99 Inc. VAT!!!**

How much was the EVGA GTX670 FTW Signature 2 before the price drop? Or has it not been reduced? (I have a bad memory :p)
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It looks like EVGA and Gigabyte are yet to really reduce the 600 series, I have followed the GB 670 WF3 for ages and its not yet dropped by any amount that has been more competitive than in other places.

Any price drop is always good though, I just cannot buy into any brand that offers two years warranty when three is the minimum offered by the main players.

Either they lack confidence in their product or the cheaper price is because you get what you pay for long term.
It looks like EVGA and Gigabyte are yet to really reduce the 600 series, I have followed the GB 670 WF3 for ages and its not yet dropped by any amount that has been more competitive than in other places.

Any price drop is always good though, I just cannot buy into any brand that offers two years warranty when three is the minimum offered by the main players.

Either they lack confidence in their product or the cheaper price is because you get what you pay for long term.

It's not about lack of faith or quality, it's just 2yr was always the norm, but then more and more emerged with 3yr or longer.

Example MSI was 2nd but they listened and updated to 3yr but many still operate on a 2yr basis, Sapphire being perfect example who are one of the if not best at AMD cards.

Were now in clear out mode with no intention of restocking 670/680 once sold out and as such no further price moves, probably likewise elsewhere, so if your eying a card up buy it sooner than later.
Slept on it and still can't figure out what to do. Do I get a second 670 now, taking advantage of the price drop/cashback and set it up in SLI with my current one (maybe go for a second MSI power edition). Pro: cheaper, good performance, 670 power consumption is pretty low so power supply will be fine.


Wait, pick up a single 770 (or maybe 780) when prices come down a little leaving the option for SLI open in the future (possibly MSI Lightning). Pro: good performance, option for great performance in SLI. Main drawbacks being price, power consumption being so much higher and the fact 770s still only come with 2gb of vram.

Option 3 is to do neither, sell all my computers and take up bird watching or something.
With the 5% off voucher as well, would seem like anyone thinking SLI, now is the time to jump in... Ive moved my Classy into LAN rig now, trigger finger is poised for 780 or titan lol
im still debating whether to get a third evga 670 FTW seeing as they are a lot cheaper now and then leave my next upgrade till the 8** series arrive ....not sure what to do.
Wait, pick up a single 770 (or maybe 780) when prices come down a little leaving the option for SLI open in the future (possibly MSI Lightning). Pro: good performance, option for great performance in SLI. Main drawbacks being price, power consumption being so much higher and the fact 770s still only come with 2gb of vram.
This option is not good at all, considering the GTX680 was only around 5-6% faster than the GTX670 when both overclocked; the GTX770 is just a GTX680 rebadged plus a high overclock (with more voltage to play with), so it would may be around 2-4% faster than a overclocked GTX680; the GTX770 would be around all in all may be 7-10% faster than a single overclocked GTX670- so the extra performance is hardly worth the move considering the cost. If you are luckly enough to be able to sell your GTX670 for say...£220, getting a GTX770 at say...£330 would mean you are paying 50% extra for the sake of 7-10% faster performance, which is frankly whether poor value.

Getting another GTX670 to SLI will give you performance that destroy the GTX780, and even the Titan, but of course the good old single GPU vs multi-GPU pros and cons remains.
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im still debating whether to get a third evga 670 FTW seeing as they are a lot cheaper now and then leave my next upgrade till the 8** series arrive ....not sure what to do.

I'm considering the same thing, although the prices don't seem to have come down by much on the FTW cards.
I'm also concerned that with 3 cards and 2GB VRAM that I might then get to the point where VRAM could be the limiting factor, especially if the new consoles mean more VRAM usage in new games.
Other than people going SLI I still don't see how the 680's are going to shift at this price point if e-tailers want to clear stock. Other than SLI'ing why would you not get a 770 for the same price?!
My gtx 660 ti is still the same price of £240 ~ when i bought it 6 months ago.
The gtx 770 doesn't seem that much of an improvement over the 680, so there isn't a point in my upgrading to that. and the 780 is just out of my range. which leaves me on getting another 660ti for sli...

Come on, reduce those prices a bit please, as their technology is starting to creak a bit..
Pulled the trigger on a 670. Then realised I'd missed the deadline on the MSI cashback deal by 2 days.

That'll teach me to think about things for too long. Crap!
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