I'm guessing or maybe clutching at straws here but the 3080 20Gb version or the 3090 may the best option for VR. My 1080 doesn't quite cut it on Elite Dangerous using VR, well it does yes, but when you play on a monitor and you get all that eyecandy goodness and then go into VR and its not that sharp then the extra vram (i'm bloody well hoping) would help to ramp up the detail somewhat.
Obviously if anyone can correct me on this then go ahead.
I'm sure your aware of it - but in case not - https://forums.frontier.co.uk/forums/elite-dangerous-virtual-reality/
Morbad and Old Duck on the forums there have some excellent advice on graphics in general - Morbad's beyond Ultra settings are a must for me even in 2d.
I'm using a 2070 (non super) paired with a Ryzen 3700x and 32 gb ram with Oculus Rift S in VR and an EdTracker when in 2d on an Asus XG32V (2560x1440) and I have everything maxed whether in VR or not. All look sharp and I seldom drop below 100fps, a 1080 with similar cpu etc should be similar if not slightly better.