I think the 2pm launch time is just for OC? I dont think that applies to other NVidia resellers, I know a site who had a que system, so you enter the site on a que, then you put your chosen card in basket, this is reserved and you have 10 minutes to make payment or your basket or reservation is put back in the system for someone else to buy, actually this was for the 30 series for when you had mining craze and GPU's were gold dust, that didnt happen with the 40 series, I can remember stockists had 40 series cards all day and at around 4pm all the 40s were sold out but it took a few days to re-appear
Obviously you had scalpers but I dont think scalpers made money from scalping 4090s because they did re-appear within a week and by then there was plenty in stock and from a wide variety of brands, I think everyone early adopter for the 40 series card will have an opportunity to spend their £2300 on a 5090
I think the FE edition will be a sell out unless Nvidia has prepared tens of thousands in stock, why wouldn't they? its money they want
Also the PS5 was so hard to get, took 1 year for some people to get a chance to buy, but the PS5 Pro, everyone had these in stock from day 1, so hopefully 50 series is the same....