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Nvidia’s ace in the hole against AMD: Maxwell is the first GPU with full DirectX 12 support

No argument from me Si and good post.

One thing that does remain certain and that is gains. While Mantle did give some nice gains for low end CPU/high end GPU users, DX12 won't really bring massive gains to high end CPU and GPU users. latency times will improve of course and multi high end GPU users should see some nice benefits but for the majority, there won't be much in frame gains.

I tested Mantle on my system and there was no noticeable difference with my CPU (3930K) at 4.4ghz between DX and Mantle on the 290X. Both ran great and both were around the same fps.

Quoting myself, as people seem to think I am saying things that I am not....

First off, I said in my testing with a 290X and a 3930K. I didn't have Crossfire to test and I didn't see any noticeable gains. Now then, I said multi GPU users will see some nice benefits (Humbug agree's with me) I also said DX12 won't bring massive gains to high end CPU/GPU users, so tell me this. did Mantle bring massive gains to high end CPU and GPU users?

Don't read things I didn't say just for the sake of disagreeing with me chaps.


Also Shankly, show me where I said "Only low end CPU users show gains" I keep reading my posts and can't see it anywhere.
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I used both DX and Mantle and Mantle increased fps in the single digits but more importantly yielded higher minimums. This is akin to some people boasting a cpu upgrade and how much better game-play was.

So on that reason and that alone, mantle does make a difference regardless of anyone perceived experience. This is why DX12 should also make a difference - it is just taking them a long time to come out with products to gauge this against.

I didn't notice any minimum gains in honesty and this chart backs up what I have said.

That video goes against every site and post I have read and doesn't add up. You are saying that Mantle doubled your frames at times? No where in the entire internetz does that show true other than your video Humbug.
Yep I'm that biased, I sold up and moved to Nvidia.;)

Doesn't change the fact Mantle>current DX.

That doesn't make you less biased, as seen by your screenshot. Our bench thread for DA:I shows a complete different story to your screenshot and the 970 DX11 is beating out the 290X Mantle. I don't tend to put too much stock in a dodgy looking screenshot anyways.

As for Humbug's video, he should have shown the settings used really, as there is no way that Mantle is going to give double the frames over DX11 (even if DX11 is that bad on AMD), the DX11 was a stuttering mess and that isn't something I have seen and whilst I also have run both Mantle and DX11, I can honestly say there was no noticeable difference for me. I know he is running on a crappy CPU but double the performance is never going to happen and anyone with common sense knows this.

DX12 will be the same, as seen here:

As you can see, a 3/4 fps difference in that vid between DX11 and DX12. While that is a nice boost, it isn't double the frames or a magic wand to give magical frame rates but the latency times are much better and for people with sharp reactions, in games like BF4, that is a Godsend.
I am sure some people don't even bother to read what I type and instead go full rage because I own nVidia as well as AMD. As much as I prefer nVidia, I have always remained honest in both vendors.

Anyways, I agree with Skeeter and this thread is about Maxwell and DX12.
Ohhh well, I have loads of stuff all backed up, so I will try one of these update installs and see how it goes. If all is swell, happy days but I still have the option of a clean install after it seems.
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