O11 Dynamic XL On Steroids

@Vidar Quick disconnects would be my guess
You would want to be able to
Easily disconnect it from the PC if wanted to move it
Or drain it etc
Might involve drilling a couple of holes in the rear
Of the case though
Or guess you could remove pci slot covers
And go through there
Nah, bolt it to the side of the case and then whinge when you struggle to lift it onto the bench for maintenance; that's clearly the sane thing to do! :rolleyes: :D
If you're drilling holes in sheet metal, a step drill is a good start (stops you getting triangular holes) but have a look at a Q-Max punch. You drill a 10mm pilot hole and then pull the hole cutter through with a bolt for a nice tidy round hole. The 20.4mm was good for the EK pass-throughs I used but there are other sizes. It's not completely swarf free as you still have to drill as far as 10mm but after that it comes out in a disc so it's a little lighter on the short-circuit inducing stuff.
Lol things like that
Are why I have castors on my case
And it's on a chest so couple of feet above the floor
For easy access
The joys of getting old mean no more building pcs kneeling on the floor lol
Nah, bolt it to the side of the case and then whinge when you struggle to lift it onto the bench for maintenance; that's clearly the sane thing to do! :rolleyes: :D
If you're drilling holes in sheet metal, a step drill is a good start (stops you getting triangular holes) but have a look at a Q-Max punch. You drill a 10mm pilot hole and then pull the hole cutter through with a bolt for a nice tidy round hole. The 20.4mm was good for the EK pass-throughs I used but there are other sizes. It's not completely swarf free as you still have to drill as far as 10mm but after that it comes out in a disc so it's a little lighter on the short-circuit inducing stuff.
Thanks for the advice. Liking the idea of a Q-Max punch. 20.4 will work perfectly. The smallest hole cutter I have on hand is 22mm, which ive used before and leaves a loose fitting. Just ordered one.
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That punch looks not bad @Cenedd
Shame still need to drill a pilot hole first
For the amount of times I do it
Guess I will stick to step drill bit
But still interesting to see something different anyway
Hopes and dreams worked as they're working fine.

good, just remember Oring's i have life span... and even have a loob on then to help with that life span. lets hope you didn't just knock years of them, you wouldn't be the first person who PC just turned off one day to fined rotary fitting dripping
@Mcnumpty2323 Yeah, if you could get away without the pilot, it'd be perfect.

At the risk of sounding like I'm self-promoting, there's a picture of the tool and the hole (and how you shouldn't do it unless you're lazy) in my post here. You do get a little deformation where it rolls the edge of the hole slightly away from the toothed part of the cutter but very little - certainly nothing compared to even the 10mm hole from my, admittedly old and cheap step drill. You'd probably get away with just screwing the pass-through over it but a few turns of a deburring too (or a file for that matter) will take it off if you want it really flush. You might even be able to press it flat if you reversed the idea and used a bolt to pull a pair of penny washers together....but I'm already overthinking again :D
MO-RA Sleeved, although I ordered the wrong sized heat shrinks. Ill sort that out later though. I have Cryofuel mystic fog concentrate to add to it later. Ill need about 300-350ml of it with just over a litre of distilled water in there.

Just waiting now on the PSU (arriving tomorrow), and motherboard now. The GPU block won't be here until the end of the month so Ill sort that out at a later date.

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Nice. So Norprene/EPDM tubing? To overbraid it are you just heatshrinking the braid to the end of the tube and then putting the compression collar over to to hide it? Does it need a collar with a wider hole or is there enough space in a standard fitting that I've been blissfully unaware of?
Norprene 16/10 Tubing with 13mm Flex sleeving. The included heat shrinks were too small to fit over it.
The Norprene tubing keeps the flex sleeving tightly attached so the heat shrink will be for cosmetic reasons only.
I will have minimal heat shrink over the tube and and on the fitting as the compression fitting is so tight already it wouldn't be able to fit underneath.
Currently the flex sleeve closest the rotaries on the MO-RA ends at the fitting and on the Quick disconnect is held secure under the fitting.
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Ever thought about running that outside? Especially in winter. My computer sits right beside the window, so it's giving me ideas...
Decided today I was going to begin the new build. Still waiting for the motherboard, but starting it now will allow me to focus on the finer details rather just wanting it done as fast as possible. Today involved tearing it down, cleaning the dust off the fans and case, packing up the old hardware and fitting the new pump cover










Hopefully the whole puncher arrives tomorrow so I can get the whole cut for the quick disconnect.
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Thought I had 2 980 pros, but turns out I had 1x 980 pro and 1x 960 EVO, so pre ordered 2 x 990 pro 1TBs wonder which will come first the motherboard or these!
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A nice quandary to have :D
Which will come first, a properly set up and performing mirror/stripe...or the men in white coats!? ;)
Todays addition is preparing the case for the MO-RA 3. The 20.4 metal punch Cenedd recommended came so put it to use with amazing result!. Cheers Cenedd. I had to heat gun and cut the Lian Li Der Bauer metal badge off and trim it for the fitting to fit too.









Ill test it tomorrow for leaks with the MO-RA attached
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A quick loop test to for proof of concept. All working well.




Case pump activated only (100% Pump)


Both Mo-Ra and Case pump activated (100% both pumps)


Just the wait now for the motherboard.
Gotta love pumps in series. Turn them down for quietness and still get the flow. Have one fail and it still works. Might have to look into the Barrow flow meter as it kind of bothers me that there's no indication of flow failure.... although pump rpm would probably cover it I guess.
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