Nah, bolt it to the side of the case and then whinge when you struggle to lift it onto the bench for maintenance; that's clearly the sane thing to do!@Vidar Quick disconnects would be my guess
You would want to be able to
Easily disconnect it from the PC if wanted to move it
Or drain it etc
Might involve drilling a couple of holes in the rear
Of the case though
Or guess you could remove pci slot covers
And go through there

If you're drilling holes in sheet metal, a step drill is a good start (stops you getting triangular holes) but have a look at a Q-Max punch. You drill a 10mm pilot hole and then pull the hole cutter through with a bolt for a nice tidy round hole. The 20.4mm was good for the EK pass-throughs I used but there are other sizes. It's not completely swarf free as you still have to drill as far as 10mm but after that it comes out in a disc so it's a little lighter on the short-circuit inducing stuff.