I'll leave this here...and try not to look smugAlthough, to be fair, he does have a distro in there.
You might even be able to swap out the pass-throughs that are in that plate (unless they're a smaller bore to fit the plate) so they look the same as the one in the case.
Unfortunately the pass-throughs are much smaller than the Bitspower one im using below.
Just ordered this as its a 7mm offset rather than the 5mm Bitspower offset I tested with just now. It should be enough to line it up better. I needed to order another one anyway due to that offset already being allocated for the GPU block to distroplate.

EK Water Blocks EK-Quantum Torque Rotary 7mm Offset Fitting - Black
Order EK Water Blocks EK-Quantum Torque Rotary 7mm Offset Fitting - Black now online and benefit from fast delivery.

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