TBH if you havent been in employment or education for 3 years your too old to be applying for an apprenticeship. Companys tend to favour young blood for apprentices.
Nah early 20's is fine. What have you been doing with yourself for 3 years at that age then?
Dont let any worries stop you. Go for it anyway. Worst they are going to say is no. Should always at least try
£16,000 but I suspect that could be negotiated upwards a little depending on your background.
Maybe, but generally apprenticeships are aimed at folks starting off fresh.
Plus they'll have people queueing out the door for this so if someone doesn't like the pay then they'll just hire someone else.
That said, if they really want you they might negotiate a little.
An experienced role is another matter though.
Again I'd say this is very good for a grad to go for, sure it's not in the ocuk grad pay range p) but it's a very good foot in the door.
You'll see that I'm not exactly bursting with optimism myself...
As for the screening, they tend to be less about what you know and more abotu what kind of person you are. Although knowing something as well can't hurt right?
If you were a 16 year old getting on this you'd be laughing, a quality start imho
Thats all well and good, but if your references have gaps in them (however short) and other people don't have any gaps then why hire the person with a less stable employment record?
No idea, I wasn't commenting on the gaps in employment thing, just about apprenticeships in general
Although I could imagine it matters less going for an apprenticeship than a grad position/'normal' vacancy, but could still be a hinderence.
Well when you've applied for 500+ jobs and had just one (inconclusive) interview, you might understand my pessimism. There are few apprenticeships and hundreds of people chasing one role.
You seem to be in the same position as me sr. I'm 19 with a few huge gaps in my references since leaving school, can't say it's affected me much though?
O2 as a company I found really good, I worked with them over a 2 year period, full and part time and was considering moving into store management at one point.
So what does the job involve? Fixing the masts and doing the behind the scenes stuff?This is O2 technology apprenticeships. So learning to support the network, not work in stores