O2 Giving out phone numbers?

No i don't get your point. Only my immediate family/loved ones know my number, so maybe about a dozen people in total know my number. I like to keep a tight control on the information i give out on the net/life and i don't get bothered at all this way
My boss tried it on his nokia classic on O2 and it displayed his number. My tmobile phone was fine.
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Not showing up on Giffgaff on a JB 5.0.1 4S. Have been on o2 with the same phone number for years and it's all over the internet though, googling for my number brings up plenty of websites.

Scratch that, just realised I was going through Wifi. Number is there for all to see. I've had this number for about 10 years though and get the odd spam through, not really caring much. Just strange that O2 are forcing it on everyone on their network, not just their customers.
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orange give out phone numbers...

ibought a phone , 3 days later on a brand new phone with brand new sim i had my first adverting spam message from some accident firm....

quickly unlocked the phone and switched to THREE...

I had been with T-Mobile for ages without any spam texts, as soon as they merged with Orange i would end up with one every week minimum.

Glad I'm with Three now.
These are randomly done, they spam block number ranges and had nothing to do with your network. It's possible that the spam wasn't being filtered for some reason or it was a new message that needed to be added to the filter but I assure you it wasn't a tin foil hat plot against you where they sold your number to shady dealer #4, this is against the law currently unless you give permission obviously.

For what it's worth Alpherah, when Orange and T-Mobile merged the networks didn't even co-operate together. Even still, today they are basically 2 separate networks which roam onto each other, much like when you go abroad and roam onto another network.
I wasnt getting this on my nexus with stock browser, but as others reported they were I checked again.

I still dont get it when using a HSPDA connection, but I changed to use 2G (edge) and it showed up straight away.
That explains why I'm getting tons of spam on my O2 phone. I've even accused family members of giving my mobile number out. I'll be putting in a formal complaint.
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