O365 mailbox backup

We're using Veeam to back up our tenancy, it does what we need, but we are also a VCSP and sell it.
Ideally the option to do both. Got a customer who has had a 365 mailbox become corrupt so they now want a backup solution

I'd be jumping up and down on Microsoft's support to get it restored. It's what you're paying for after all.

We're using Veeam to back up our tenancy, it does what we need, but we are also a VCSP and sell it.

This. However check your organisation's GDPR policy on data retention.
Skykick yes. Unbelievably easy to get configured, mailbox restore options are a bit limited though. I use it myself but haven't too many customers on their mailbox backup subscription; on the other hand I don't do any onedrive for business/sharepoint deployments without it. You can get the two subscriptions as a bundle or take them separately.
It's easy enough for an end user to run if you want to hand them their own login.
I believe that Skykick still backs up to Azure infrastructure. It depends if the requirement is to backup outside of Microsoft domain or not.
Sorry to resurrect an old post but after continually back and forth with Microsoft they've basically washed their hands with this issue. Apparently they have no solution in place to restore individual mailboxes, only the platform. They are trying to blame the end user but after investigation only the inbox is affected with virtually a whole years mail missing. Just thought I'd give people the heads up in case they were under the impression individual mailboxes could be restored from a backup by Microsoft. We are looking into using Cloudally for backups as we have one very annoyed customer and could certainly do without a repeat even though mailbox corruption is unusual
I worked on the assumption that Microsoft didn't do any form of backup. The business couldn't quite understand why I wanted to pay to backup what they though was resilient data.

CloudAlly works well for us, drop them an email and they'll beat their quoted online pricing. They'll also generally do a hefty discount for shared mailboxes and so far they've yet to ask me for any proof of the ratio of shared to user mailboxes on our tenant.
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