Obama releases Bush torture memos



9 Apr 2004
Nuremburg is strength? :confused:

I would say there is a difference between what the CIA did and what the Nazi prison guards did, although I understand the point.

He could go after the little people, but from what I remember the USA has a long standing policy of non-recognition of the International Court when it comes to its military / intelligence members.

Going after the senior staff who made the decisions will have far better long term consequences than going after the gofers.
22 Sep 2008
Kent, England
Personally, one idea of torture that makes my whole body shiver at the thought is having to listen to someone scraping a fork on a china plate for a substantial period of time. Just hearing it once makes my body ache :/
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Thanks for that, was a very interesting watch.

was it? he gave up after a few seconds. he seemed to be making that video for one reason only.

Is there any videos of a trained soldier going through it in navy training? Royal marines are subjected to it in training aren't they?
17 Jul 2005
Do I post a serious reply...

The strength in what Obama is doing is that he is showing he is willing to protect those who were merely following orders - I would like to see prosecutions brought against those who provided the advice and go-ahead to the people carrying out the acts. Going after the generals and not the soldiers - it will win him a lot of support with the common man, I would have thought.

Strength, or stupidity?

We need people in the world willing to make hard decisions. It annoys me that people think that torture isn't needed. We're fighting an enemy that will stop at nothing to cause death and destruction. If torture saves the lives of thousands of people by providing that vital piece of information then it's a regretable necessity.

I just hope the day doesn't come where Obama has to make the terrible decision to torture a suspect in an attempt to avoid a castastrophe... because I for one hate hypocrits.



9 Apr 2004
Strength, or stupidity?

We need people in the world willing to make hard decisions. It annoys me that people think that torture isn't needed. We're fighting an enemy that will stop at nothing to cause death and destruction. If torture saves the lives of thousands of people by providing that vital piece of information then it's a regretable necessity.

I just hope the day doesn't come where Obama has to make the terrible decision to torture a suspect in an attempt to avoid a castastrophe... because I for one hate hypocrits.

How many wrong people can be tortured to insanity before it becomes wrong?

Torture is not an effective way of getting accurate information, if you have the wrong person you will waste a vast amount of resource tracking and verifying false information because the person you are torturing does not know the right information.

The best incentives for getting accurate information is MICE, money, ideology, compromise, Ego. Torture isn't in there for a reason.
18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK
If torture saves the lives of thousands of people by providing that vital piece of information then it's a regretable necessity.

But it's against International Law, you can't expect to get away with it, it's a slippery slope that a civilised country should never take. If we are fighting for our "way of life" in the West then surely we have to uphold the Laws we've signed up to?

17 Nov 2007
Chester/ Bristol uni
Sorry nitefly, had to steal your picture.


absolute classic.

Lol platinum87.

beat me to it.
5 Sep 2005
Northern Ireland

That's a real eye opener. They barely splashed him before he caved.

Its useful as a video to see how the waterboarding is preformed. the fact that he drops the bars after a few seconds shouldn't be taken as proof of effectiveness without a pinch of salt.

As Acidhell says he could very well just be dropping the bars to let on that its worse than it actually is, as he wants the discredit the use of this form of torture. I'd like to see it preformed on someone who is a firm believer in the use of it, just to see how they react, for comparisons sake.
17 Jul 2005
But it's against International Law, you can't expect to get away with it, it's a slippery slope that a civilised country should never take. If we are fighting for our "way of life" in the West then surely we have to uphold the Laws we've signed up to?


But arguably we've already got "that way of life" and we're simply trying to maintain it in the face of extremists and terroists? I agree, it should never be a commonplace activity. I think we're stuck between a rock and a hard stone on the whole issue anyway. The idea of 'torture' being acceptable on an international level is absurd and would bring about all sorts of abuse and would definitly go against what the west does (or should) be standing for. However I don't think anyone can deny that it is a necessity in some occasions. Governments are always going to need deniable operators and that's the way it is always going to have to be.

And the the person who mentioned MICE above... May work for trivial law breakers or drug runners but I bet my life it would have little impact on a hardened extremist.

It just makes me laugh with all the hoo hah Obama is making about this. Faced with a decision whether to torture a few "enemies" to gain valuable information would be a no brainer and I feel he, personally would be able to make that decision no problem.
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