But that's incorrect, firstly in western countries it's not some people - it's most people, because around 65%+ of adults are overweight.
Secondly, if the individual is to blame, how do you explain the Italian obesity epidemic?
Italians have always been healthy, the Mediterranean diet has been the benchmark for a healthy diet, yet why have scores of Italians suddenly started becoming obese in the last 10 years?
What measurable thing has changed, which has caused this decline in the health of Italians?
Alright, 'most' people.
You're just not understanding the point I'm making. I'm pretty sure I even acknowledged the correlation between availability of unhealthy food and obesity before. People were irresponsible or lazy before and now they have enough food that their inadequacies can manifest themselves in the form of obesity. I agree with that. That correlation doesn't make it society's responsibility though. If someone dumps a load of heroin on my doorstep and I take it and get addicted, that's my fault.