Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+)

Hayden Christensen :mad: A man who’s acting is so wooden when he dies it’ll be the equivalent of 50 Amazon rain forests being cut down.
hayden is infinitely better than solo's son was.

Doubt it but i hope palpatine is in this too, he's one of my fav sw characters.
That music feels like a bit of a statement of intent. Then again, they know what they're doing with these things so I'm staying cautious after Boba.

Also, I really do find the fact that the baddies seem uncharacteristically female and diverse properly jarring, as it's also so obviously a "statement". I wish they'd just stick to the original aesthetic.

:edit: before people jump down my throat I'm aware of inquisitors etc but there's just something less authentic feeling about proper live action big feature Star Wars stuff (the only stuff I've really followed) having these sort of characters running about being super evil. I can happily suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy the Star Wars universe, but not enough to enjoy women being properly dominating bad guys (In Star Wars...). I suppose all that matters is that they do a good job. Inb4 "says more about u m8".
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