Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+)

In fairness to Disney they got some things right with star wars, rogue one being best film or the modern star wars and up there with empire for me.

The Mandalorian and Book of Fett both good, so I have faith in them getting another TV show right tbh
Seventh Sister?

The one sitting down? Maybe, I am not sure who the black woman is, I don't remember any inquisitors with her aesthetic/look. There was definitely the Grand Inquisitor and I believe that's 5th Brother with the helmet thingy. I am so happy that finally they have introduced a live action inquisitors in the Star Wars Universe. I might have to play Jedi Fallen Order through again :D
Looking better than Fett for sure. Weird that they seem to have done the shows wrong way around, Kenobi could've stayed on Tatooine and Fett should have been galaxy hoping around.
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