Speedy consalus.
Also using the iFPSclamp=60
When going under 60fps its like your moonwalking and very slow.
So I changed my settings (could be different for everyone)
But im running a Q6600, 4gb RAM and a ATI 4870 512MB
Running at:
1680 x 1050
HDR Enabled
I had everything set to Ultra initially and found it ok but out in the open if it went below 60fps with the iFPSclamp=60 enabled. Its slowmotion time
Have changed the settings for Ultra everything set to max bar:
(Detail)Radial Blur Quality = Medium
(Water)Reflection Quality = Medium
(Shadow)Shadow Quality= Medium
Only those 3 settings now it rarely goes under 60 I havnt had one touch of slowmotion yet!!! (both outside and inside)
I know its not the ideal solution to the problem but it works for me![]()
Is that the Greek cousin of Speedy Gonzalez?
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Note: There is another type of stuttering which can occur, often referred to as micro-stuttering, juddering or skipping. It usually appears as tiny skips, like missing frames in a movie. This is not the same as the normal type of stuttering mentioned above, it is not caused by loading new data, it appears to be an actual bug related to graphics synchronization in the Gamebryo engine, possibly made more noticeable by certain graphics drivers. A video demonstration of the problem is shown here. To confirm the problem, use the iFPSClamp=60 setting as covered in the Advanced Tweaking section - if that removes the skipping then you are experiencing this issue. However changing iFPSClamp does not properly resolve this problem as it will then ruin your overall game speed at certain times. At the moment the only known solutions you can try are to firstly force enable VSync both in the game as well as in your graphics card's control panel - see the VSync option in the In-Game Settings section for instructions. If changing VSync doesn't work, try using a different version of your graphics driver. If that still doesn't work, there is a fix which some users claim will work as posted here. If none of these things work then you will have to wait for either a patch and/or a new graphics driver version to resolve the issue. It's an issue that's been present in the Gamebryo engine at least since Oblivion so it is not new, and so far there is no real solution.