Oblivion - still can't get into it

8 Feb 2004
I can't see the fuss about Oblivion, and why it was instantly hailed as a classic. I bought it on launch, and have tried many times to sit down and absorb myself. But the game just lets me down on so many levels - jerky combat, clunky inventory and map system, poor performance even on my decent rig.

The artificial intelligence doesn't really shine through, and I don't feel challenged by the game in any way. It just seems like playing with a large database. It's just a constant trudge, drifting around, meeting uninteresting characters. There's no real sense of involvement, and I have no inclination to continue with it.

I was a big fan of Morrowind, and I like RPGs in general, so I'm a bit confused as to why I dislike Oblivion so much.

Am I the only one?
That's a shame, i hope i don't feel the same when i get it, im not going to until i've finished morrowind or got mostly through it though.
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know how you feel, although ive played it little, on about 5 hours into it.

Its all the bugs and instabilities that annoy me. With all the mods it looks stunning, but im going to play WOW until they sort the instabilities and crashes to desktop and bugs with Oblivion.
I bought it on release played for a while but then it started to get a bit samey,haven't played it for about 5 weeks now.
I thought i'd absolutely hate it since i've never been a fan of RPGs but I love Oblivion.

First few times I played it I sat down for a long time, which is what you really have to do to get into It I think.

You may be comparing it against better RPGs? I had nothing to compare it to other than the Diablo series lol.

Now I don't play it as much as don't have the patience to sit down for so long although will probably give it another chance.
I got bored too. I played it for 2 hours, which is more than enough to get into a game, but all i did was fight rats for an hour in a cave and the run along a field for an hour getting told to go here, then there, then there. It looks good but I dont get what all the hype is about.
sargatanas said:
I got bored too. I played it for 2 hours, which is more than enough to get into a game, but all i did was fight rats for an hour in a cave and the run along a field for an hour getting told to go here, then there, then there. It looks good but I dont get what all the hype is about.
Actually playing it might help. Running along a field for an hour makes it sounds like you did absolutely no quests, or any of the main quest. :p
I have put about 50 hours into it so far and rank it up there as one of my favorite games, at least over the last few years. I really enjoy exploring the world and playing through the seemingly limitless side quests.

Having said that I found I played it a lot for a few weeks and lost motivation, now I play a few hours every second week but I doubt I will make it to the end of the main story. I can defiantly see where the complaints come from, the game is really buggy, the interface is clearly made for a console and the leveling system makes little sense. Mods help out a bit but really shouldn’t be needed.
Played it for about an hour, hated it instantly. MMORPG just isn't my thing. Found a few people who are willing to trade it with me for some reason. :o
With Oblivion, Bethesda sold their soul to the mass market console crowd.....hardcore pc rpg'ers need not apply.

However, some of the user made mods do save it somewhat, to make it a reasonable game at times. But out of the box its the most dissapointing game Bethesda has ever released imo......unless you're a graphics whore of course :rolleyes:
My mate at uni loved the game so I went out to get it but just couldn't sit down for more than an hour and play it. I've since thrown in on the members market however, im upgrading this week and will look forward to wacking the graphics up and seeing how pretty I can get it.
Fraggr said:
Played it for about an hour, hated it instantly. MMORPG just isn't my thing. Found a few people who are willing to trade it with me for some reason. :o

I think you need to google MMORPG ...
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