Oblivion - still can't get into it

Ive played for hours and havnt walked anywhere, fast travel is my best friend.

join the 'dark brotherhood' (assination guild)
or the theives guild, fun missions!!
Yeah, the Dark Brotherhood absolutely rocked my socks. I hate all the plug-ins Bethesda have done so far, but if they add more "episodes" to the Dark Brotherhood quest then I will be on them like white on rice! :eek:
DaveyD said:
Hence why RPGs are not for everybody, especially the casual gamer that'll play say an hour a day at the most, and therefore Oblivion will not appeal or satisfy those people as it'll take them a week to get into it, but they'll be wanting a pick up and play game, not a pick up and waste 5 hours in an evening game. Some people don't want to sit around listening to stories and getting enrosed in the whole story and atmosphere, and just want to go out and see all the action. You can't please everybody.

This game was tailor made for the masses actually. Even the Beth devs have made mention of it on various occasions. They watered down the depth. Or more politically correct -made it more accessable....So if people still find it 'difficult to get into' then they have no hope in hell of getting into a real RPG, lol

I actually found the game more and more shallow/lacking in depth the more I played it. But I don't consider it an RPG anyway, as I said in another post. Its an action/adventure game. With that in mind they've done a good job, but RPG it isn't.....not in the conventional sense.

If Bethesda had said from the outset that this is a console oreintated Action/Adventure game then us old RPG dogs of the sea could have moved on to find something else to spend our money on. Having bought all their previous games I gave them the benefit of the doubt but they let me down, along with countless others. However, leveled list mods like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and other mods have made the game almost worth the effort. The original level scaling was the worst thing I'd ever seen in a game of this type. No wonder it bores people, there is no risk v reward or anything hardly. And hence no real incentive to play....
Ozzie Dave said:
This game was tailor made for the masses actually. Even the Beth devs have made mention of it on various occasions. They watered down the depth. Or more politically correct -made it more accessable....So if people still find it 'difficult to get into' then they have no hope in hell of getting into a real RPG, lol

I actually found the game more and more shallow/lacking in depth the more I played it. But I don't consider it an RPG anyway, as I said in another post. Its an action/adventure game. With that in mind they've done a good job, but RPG it isn't.....not in the conventional sense.

If Bethesda had said from the outset that this is a console oreintated Action/Adventure game then us old RPG dogs of the sea could have moved on to find something else to spend our money on. Having bought all their previous games I gave them the benefit of the doubt but they let me down, along with countless others. However, leveled list mods like Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and other mods have made the game almost worth the effort. The original level scaling was the worst thing I'd ever seen in a game of this type. No wonder it bores people, there is no risk v reward or anything hardly. And hence no real incentive to play....
That's the thing though with it not being for everyone, trying to make it more appealing to the masses has been made so that the hardcore RPG fans displike it as it's too basic and lacking compared to previous games, and the action/adventure harecore don't like it as its too long winded and basic! But there's still a good big group of people in the middle that love it.
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