Oblivion - still can't get into it

personally i think oblivion is absolutely hurrendous. I have never played an rpg before, and if this is meant to be the best ever, im never going to again. As a non-rpg player, the first thing you want is to be able to have a decent fight. The only decent fight i had on my 3 hours of oblivion before uninstalling it was mutilating a horse, and even then there was (1) no blood, (2) no lost limbs, and (3) the horse wouldnt let me ride it after that. :p
Curio you obviously love the game, fair enough that's your right, but you need to stand back a bit and take your own advice. Everyone is entitled to an opinion whether they like it or not, no-one here is forcing their opinion on anyone, just stating it... :)

I didn't really get into, but then I'm not a fan of that gamestyle. Only RPG I ever liked was Xenogears... I didn't even like Zelda OoT!!!
Rojin said:
Curio you obviously love the game, fair enough that's your right, but you need to stand back a bit and take your own advice. Everyone is entitled to an opinion whether they like it or not, no-one here is forcing their opinion on anyone, just stating it... :)

Nope. If you read my previous post you will see that I have very mixed feelings about the game. I hate certain aspects and love others. And of course it's all personal opinion - but what gets my back up is people who imply that the game really is rubbish and that anybody who likes it is mistaken. That's just saying "my opinion is right and everybody else must be wrong".

...I didn't even like Zelda OoT!!!

Then you clearly need to be humanely destroyed :D
sargatanas said:
I was told to go see a guy, cant remember his name, i ran there, talked for 5 mins and was told to go elsewhere, so i ran there talk to a guy and was told to take him back, started running back and got bored >.>.
You don't have to do what they tell you :confused:
Inquisitor said:
You don't have to do what they tell you :confused:

I dont see how running around for a few hours with nothing to do but stab people would make the game more fun :p. Doing it in San Andreas rocks, cause you can do it in so many fun ways, but how many ways are there to stab someone or hit them with an arrow? :p
Curio said:
So people who don't agree with you are wrong? Where did I put my rolleyes...

Also, I've played for just over 50 hours and feel like I've barely scratched the surface of this game. I've only explored about 30% of the world. So excuse me if I don't rate your opinion very highly ;)
What are you on about? Put more effort into a discussion that isnt about a computer game lol.

I'm not saying people who like this game are what wrong? I'm just saying its graphically a nice looking game and clearly has a lot of effort put into it, minus those two points I reckon a lot less people will like it, especcially the graphics as, well, thats what attracted me to play it as I seen a lot of screenshots and it looked quite nice.
Vegeta said:
What are you on about? Put more effort into a discussion that isnt about a computer game lol.


I'm not saying people who like this game are what wrong? I'm just saying its graphically a nice looking game and clearly has a lot of effort put into it, minus those two points I reckon a lot less people will like it, especcially the graphics as, well, thats what attracted me to play it as I seen a lot of screenshots and it looked quite nice.

OK, I'm just saying that I don't think you've played the game anywhere near enough to really judge the depth of gameplay is all.
Curio said:
OK, I'm just saying that I don't think you've played the game anywhere near enough to really judge the depth of gameplay is all.

But if the gameplay isn't fun, we will never find out how deep it is. It should be instantly entertaining aswell as deep and addicting.
sargatanas said:
But if the gameplay isn't fun, we will never find out how deep it is. It should be instantly entertaining aswell as deep and addicting.

Not really. Do movies have to start with explosions and fights? Do books? RPG's often start with long, drawn-out back story or scene setting. Oblivion actually throws you into the action quite fast compared to some. "fun" is difficult to quantify and is also totally subjective. I found it very fun right from the start. Comes down to personal opinion again.
I Didnt like Oblivion when i first started playing it, i got pretty bored just going here to there etc, but it takes atleast a good 10hours or so to get in to imo, and once you have got yourself into the storyline, etc now after near enough finishing it, i class it as one of my all time favourites, class game.
Personally i was very dissapointed with oblivion, the fact that everything is scaled to your level just totally ruins the game.

You cant go out and look for good loot or anything, theres no point in going adventuring.

I also dont understand why people think its so great, but im glad other people can enjoy it. Guess it just went mainstream.
A friend gave it up after 2 days of play describing it as 'A chore for people who have far too much time on their hands'.... make that what you will...

I have yet to play it. But I did take Morrowind back to the shop an hour of play into it and I will proberly agree with my friends statement if it were towards morrowind.
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Nitefly said:
A friend gave it up after 2 days of play describing it as 'A chore for people who have far too much time on their hands'.... make that what you will...

I have yet to play it. But I did take Morrowind back to the shop an hour of play into it and I will proberly agree with my friends statement if it were towards morrowind.
1 hour? Why did you even buy it then? :/
Curio said:
OK, I'm just saying that I don't think you've played the game anywhere near enough to really judge the depth of gameplay is all.
I have played it for like 10 hours, and I will continue playing it in the hope I like it, i'm wanting to like it.
you cant tell after an hour whether a game like this is any good?

massive RPGs take a good 5-10 hours minimum to make a decision like that.
Confusion said:
you cant tell after an hour whether a game like this is any good?

massive RPGs take a good 5-10 hours minimum to make a decision like that.

Hence why RPGs are not for everybody, especially the casual gamer that'll play say an hour a day at the most, and therefore Oblivion will not appeal or satisfy those people as it'll take them a week to get into it, but they'll be wanting a pick up and play game, not a pick up and waste 5 hours in an evening game. Some people don't want to sit around listening to stories and getting enrosed in the whole story and atmosphere, and just want to go out and see all the action. You can't please everybody.
I played Morrowind on the PC and found it very boring so I made sure I got Oblivion for the Xbox360... it may sound stupid but I think it's more enjoyable on the console.
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