Octopus Power Ups and Free Energy Sessions

Washing got hung outside so no tumble
Batteries managed to get to around 70% as we got unexpected sun, but topped with 30% from grid (around 3kwh)
Forced diverting to the hot water right now, set for 1hr45mins. (so from 2:05-3:50 roughly)
Should probably time out as the water hits max. I had a nice long (free in effect) hot shower this morning to use up some hot water.

Solar is around 1.7kw right now, so could be exporting before the 2-4 period is up!
Assume I will still be paid for that...

Batts are on forced charge, but around 3:50pm I will switch back to self use.
The whole feature seems weird to me. 'Spare green energy'? But, there's not much wind and there's clouds in the sky. Where's the spare energy coming from?

Great for me to do some electric intensive jobs that I was going to have to do today anyway, while there's not a lot of sun around - but I can't see how this is benefitting the grid.
The whole feature seems weird to me. 'Spare green energy'? But, there's not much wind and there's clouds in the sky. Where's the spare energy coming from?

Great for me to do some electric intensive jobs that I was going to have to do today anyway, while there's not a lot of sun around - but I can't see how this is benefitting the grid.

Same, didn't seem windy

Could be that Octopus have excess even when the grid doesn't of course.
I've found that skipping the boiler run before the power up and after is a good use of the free electric. I got 90 minutes run time from the immersion heater before it hit the cylinder's thermostat limit last time around.

Unfortunately I don't have batteries or an ev
I am same, we/I got the 18th session credited on the 30th, so 12 days lag
If thats a decent yardstick then the 31st should hit any day.

They hit the same issues with the savings sessions. I think a lot is mainly they want to batch the whole thing, and as such where they get iffy meter data they need to give it so long before the exclude those customers.

Edit, based on my bill I think I am due 7.9kwh refund for the 31st. I was charged £1.76 its no massive amount.
It saved me 60p really since this time of year I am never really paying for any peak units.
Still every penny counts ;)
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Hmm funny that I chased them yesterday and they said a couple of weeks and now they have come in already, oh well anyway:

1) £0.54 (very strong solar day so didn't need any power really)
2) £3.18
3) £2.66
4) £3.23

Reality is I gained about 30% of those values because I heated water etc that would be done by gas normally.
Still I am not complaining however, long may the free energy last!
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