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OCUK 6970 TFIII (Lightning) review.


Good going :D

It seems that there could be more honest reasons for the reboxing tbh..

I would imagine one of them was that MSI knew the 7970 was coming and needed to clear old stocks to make way.

Some are going to not want to do it of course, and those I would imagine failed to make the grade when tested for overclocking prowess, but others could have quite simply been a case of them not wanting to waste time trying to market a card that is considered "old technology".

Now we need more to come forth and let us know how they got on :D

It's nice though, now all you need to do is throw a switch to overclock or go back to stock :)

It's just awesome if you don't want to push it really hard. Gives it the proper Lightning clocks for closing in on £75 less money :)

Glad yours went OK !

Hows everybody's temps. I idle at 30c and never go over 65c on full load, got HAF-X case, then again my room is like antarctica:eek:

Mine idles in the low 40s and peaks in the mid 70s. However, I have my Deltas set to 20% (non audible) If I crank the PCIE lane ducted Delta fan to 40% (when you can begin to hear it) my temps are around the same as yours.

Thing is, Deltas make the most evil scary noise, so as long as I'm below 80c I'm happy :)
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Yeah, you're missing that it was overclocked to 960mhz with 1250mv :D

When I initially wrote the review the card was OC to 960mhz. I wanted it at 940 as default though (as per the £350 Lightning).

TBH I haven't overclocked it since that first 960. No point really.
You're turning it into a £350 card. It's as simple as that.

Out of the box it's only clocked to regular 6970 speeds. Loading on that bios (if it is stable) turns it into a proper Lightning card.

That's all.
Crysis locks up the card on the stock Lightning bios. I found that out last night.

I switched back to the normal 880 one.

I also had the card switch Windows to basic (no aero) and then shoot to 58c idle. Fans went mad.

Reboot seems to have fixed it for now, but any more issues and I'll RMA it.
fans went mad @ 58C? mines idleing around 52c and fans ar spinning at 1375rpm (42% according to Afterburner)

Well I have a profile, but it was just totally irrational.

Windows dropped to basic and temps soared. Wouldn't have minded but I was just sitting at MSN minding my own business :D

If it does it again I will RMA it. I'm not repasting it or taking it apart, that was MSI's job. If they couldn't get that right they can have it back.
No idea. Doesn't matter now though. I found a XFX 7970 for £439 delivered so I ordered that. Mate is buying the Lightning off me :)
Nice one, the XFX one is the one without the bog standard cooler isnt it?

It looks bog standard but it isn't. It uses their Hydrocell cooler and ghost PCB.

It's not the dual fan one, it's the one with the standard shroud over it (has a brushed alu decal) but everything under it is their own.

They clock well too apparently, easy 1ghz.
It's the card. @ 940 stock volts Crysis froze. At stock speed of 880 it was fine for hours.

I also had a lock up running a very basic OGL app this morning. Had to hard reset.
It happened yesterday but I figured it was a one off. Then today when I was playing Fallout 3 it did that ^

It's just become completely unstable :(
Well that was odd.

Realised I had the overdrive enabled on CCC. Disabled CCC completely (preventing it from booting at all) and tried Kombustor on extreme. This is with the 940 bios back on and CCC disabled completely.


It even stayed stable when playing Crysis.

Could be nothing more than CCC and AB getting in one anothers' way. Will now test the card in Kombustor for an hour or so.
Well my mate has installed the same drivers as me and his 5870 is locked at 400mhz.

I've now had kombustor running at 940 with CCC completely disabled for 25 minutes.

Edit. I am beginning to become convinced that I'm having driver issues. Not very reassuring when I just spent £439 on a bloody 7970 :(

Edit. And now with CCC completely out of the picture my card is maxing at 63c with the fans at 70% (they used to go straight to 100)

Edit. This porn music is doing my head in. I keep having images of Ron Jeremy and co flash in my head :S
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Gonna have to RMA mine.

Tried Kombustor, reached over 100c in seconds. :/

Have you disabled CCC? I mean, totally disabled it?

Open Msconfig (type it in the run bar).

Open startup.

Stop anything AMD running.

Then set things up in Afterburner and try that.

I'm pretty certain now that what I was getting was a conflict between the two.
Like i said earlier i think some people must surely be having some driver issues. Defo seems like some over heating probs with some cards. Mine was doing that and sent it straight back. My replacement was fine. But ive not touched any overclock settings yet - don't want to tempt anything. That plus i think you lose warranty. Still tempting to overclock though lol

Not a driver issue. Today it won't run Crysis for toffee.

I requested an RMA with OCUK but I'm not going to agree to the terms. They say if they test it and don't find fault then I get stuffed a whopping fee and shipping each way.

I can see why they do it, but quite frankly to return a card that is intermittently faulty with such terms is financial suicide.

Got caught out by another company last year, ended up £27 out of pocket with a motherboard that was fit for nothing more than being a paperweight, £88 out of pocket over all.

Was my own stupidity really for agreeing to terms like that. This time I want MSI to replace it, and replace it they will.

Drivers doesn't seem to be the cause of overheating issues with this card, it's more to do with the cooler not being adjusted properly (or conflicts between CCC and AB), I fixed mine by adjusting the cooler.

It's getting better now, 71c max at 940/1375.

My temps are absolutely brilliant, and I can run synthetics all night long without a single problem.

Sadly it's when I try and use it for actual gaming that it flops. And I don't expect OCUK to sit down for an hour playing Crysis or Fallout 3 to replicate the problem, hence I don't want to agree to their terms.

Will just make MSI deal with it. They were the ones selling cards that didn't make the grade, so they're the ones who are inevitably responsible for them when they go teets up.
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I tried playing Crysis again and it still doesnt work...... Crashes randomly after 5-10 mins of heavy play, even with lower settings.

Eeyup. Sadly it is random and it is intermittent. And this is why I won't be returning the card to OCUK as I will be agreeing to their T&C and waiving my rights. Not going to happen sadly.

It's not their fault, as I bet they get hours of their time wasted by clueless dippies, but bottom line is they won't spend two hours gaming on my card. Thus, they won't find the fault and thus, I will end up getting screwed. TBH even though I shouldn't have to (got the trading laws laid out in front of me) I wouldn't mind waiving my rights and paying for return shipping. I really wouldn't, as I just want a working card. What makes it even more of a mess is that I had it sold to a mate of mine who has now sold his card. Thing is, it isn't the £11 or whatever I am worried about, more about the £27 or so as it ends up and getting it back the same as when it left.

Today I tried to force the issue. Sadly the card is a royal dick and won't play ball when I want it to. It took me 40 mins and numerous formats of my camera's SD card to make this happen.


Skip through it there's nothing much to see until it dies. And then this time instead of trying to force the issue I just stopped recording and sat back.. Twelve minutes later I got this.


So yeah. I can't see OCUK spending hours of their time to make that happen, nor do I expect them to. But, I'm not agreeing to basically waste loads of money and time and then get back the same paper weight for a GPU that I had before.

I've sent MSI an email. It took me over two hours and numerous unanswered phone calls to finally just get an email address.
Yeah I'll dig it out later. Can't even run Afterburner now :(

This happened first.


Then I rebooted and got this.


Then this


And so I had to boot into safe mode and remove Afterburner completely.
I hate intermittent problems I really do. But I learned my lesson on agreeing to things last year. Not doing it again, not with over £280 at stake.

I can't be bothered trying to make OCUK take it back unconditionally tbh. I will try MSI and if they refuse I'll just contact my CC company with all the info and get them to sort it out.
This might not mean much to you's having crashes. Have you tested your Ram? I used to get this random crashing when play counter strike couple years ago, after replacing GPU twice and still happening I almost given up. I was then given free 2GB ddr ram installed and it never crashed once after that.

My ram is fine as it's been in the system for as long as I have had it.

Plus every other GPU I have used has been fine..

Not a problem tbh as MSI have said they'll take care of it.

It's nothing against OCUK, I just don't like their policy coupled with the problems I am having. It's just a recipe for disaster.

7970 should be here in a couple of days and once it arrives I will RMA to MSI and get the card replaced and keep it as a spare :)
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