OcUK Beers of the World Mk2 Weekly Results - Round G -

17 Oct 2006
Started at midday on the Belhaven Black followed by a G&T. Then moved onto a Black Aftershock & Coke. Then a half bottle of white wine. Then 4 Smirnoff Ices, a Guinness. Can of Tennents was then had followed by half a tennents and a whisky. Then had a few gulps from a bottle of Buckie. Then moved onto a Guinness and Balvenie Doublewood. Then a few ales. Then we had some G&Ts. Followed swiftly by some Tennents. Then some vodka. Then some rose wine.


I was on a subcrawl, and there are set drinks at each stop. Hence remembering so well. :)

Good to see you have toned down a bit...

;) :D
7 Nov 2009
Woah! Was going to say, how on earth did you remember all that, I'd have forgotten from the 4 Smirnoff Ice's. I just couldn't mix like that. Beer and a few shots I'm ok. Beer and some wine I'm ok. Beer and shots and wine and spirit based drinks and I get to see my dinner again.

Was that a uni thing or...?

Na, it was my friends birthday. I'm a proper tax paying adult! We do a subcrawl every year for it. Same pubs, same drinks, lots of traditions that we do. This year we had a tartan theme where I wore a lovely pair of tartan trousers. Hopefully I can find some pictures later today. A jolly fun day out!
17 Oct 2006
Do hooks count as human body parts? Or are we discriminating against the disabled?

You would be better keeping questions of this nature in the main thread matey :)

Though the key word here is 'Human'...

EDIT: taken from main thread...

Oh while on 'body parts' subject just before anyone asks.... if in any doubt of it being allowed then we shall check if it's listed in the dictionary as being classed as a part in any shape or form, then it counts. If somebody asks which version of dictionary....
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