OcUK Beers of the World Mk2 Weekly Results - Round P -

17 Oct 2006
Best wishes for your daughter DJ, how many weeks will she be in cast? I broke my elbow 10 years ago my only sensible advice is at any point in the whole event if they offer her anaesthetic (even if it means an extra day in hospital) take it. I thought I was cool enough to have the pins pulled out my elbow awake, it wasn't a nice experience.

Also are all porters supposed to be that sort of chocolatey creamy flavour/consistency? I really liked my entry just wasn't sure if most would taste like that (being unacknowledged about porters).

Damn, I was hoping it was going to be easy for her :( I take her back in 3 weeks time to have them removed and I was hoping it would be a quick in and out. She has three to be removed as well :(

As for the porter, I drank mine ages ago and can't even remember if I liked it!
17 Oct 2006
What happened?

I caught her trying to steal beer from the fridge and slammed the door on her arm, five times!

No, I was actually in work whenever I got the message that she was being taken to hospital for a broken elbow after falling off a sofa while being chased by her sister! She ended up with a double fracture, almost two hours in theatre having it set and wires (pins) put in place. She's only 8 :(

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