OcUK Beers of the World Mk2 Weekly Results - Round R -

7 Nov 2009
I was in Paris, and therefore my choice of red ales was somewhat lacking. I went to a well known beer bar, La Gueuze, in the hope to find something. The menu did say that the one that I picked was 'Rouge'. So I ordered it!
19 Jan 2011
Well his is red... and it was redder than my red ale....
i say its ok ..its a rogue lambic. so its red soured ale...

edit or is the argument over it not saying rouge /red on label.... if thats why then its a no/
13 Dec 2006
On the forest moon Endor
Well I vote a yes for Ahleckz's entry - other people had the "Rogue" in the title and though his didn't it certainly looks like it poured red both from his picture and the other pictures we can see on Google.

For me, I'd class it as a fruit beer and yes Cherries are red but it just doesn't seem right.

I see your point and kind of agree - one thing is for sure should we have another beer competition then all these rules will have to be agreed upon well in advance.

I think it was more a case of being on holiday and trying to grab something at the last minute, that and I'm jealous! :p

I'm thinking you might well be right there too - on both points :p

Red beers aren't that easy to track down.


I found them one of the easiest to buy both my entry and my previous post in the "Now Drinking" thread for my Thrappledouser which was also red and both were bought locally to me. :confused:
19 Oct 2002
Gloucester UK
In the end I said no because all it had going for it is that it is red colour, if someone else had entered a fruit beer that was red I would also say no. Red Ale is a style of beer and will be designated as such on the label.
17 Oct 2006
Well I vote a yes for Ahleckz's entry - other people had the "Rogue" in the title and though his didn't it certainly looks like it poured red both from his picture and the other pictures we can see on Google.

The Rogue used by others was in brewery name or beer name, they also had 'Red Ale' mentioned. By his own admission as stated on page one, he said the Rouge was on the 'Menu'. :)

I see your point and kind of agree - one thing is for sure should we have another beer competition then all these rules will have to be agreed upon well in advance.

I've been saying, yelling even screaming this all along. Having said that, this round that doesn't apply. Check page one of this thread or the BOTW main thread. It clearly states 'Red Ale'. ;)

I'm thinking you might well be right there too - on both points :p

You cheeky git! :p
17 Oct 2006
In the end I said no because all it had going for it is that it is red colour, if someone else had entered a fruit beer that was red I would also say no. Red Ale is a style of beer and will be designated as such on the label.

My thoughts in a nutshell.

No points in this round for Ahleckz. I honestly think hand on heart he knows it himself and was chancing it with a smile on his face :)

I'll sort the points tomorrow whenever I'm off.

EDIT: Points now updated :)
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13 Dec 2006
On the forest moon Endor
The Rogue used by others was in brewery name or beer name, they also had 'Red Ale' mentioned. By his own admission as stated on page one, he said the Rouge was on the 'Menu'. :)

Fair enough :)

I've been saying, yelling even screaming this all along. Having said that, this round that doesn't apply. Check page one of this thread or the BOTW main thread. It clearly states 'Red Ale'. ;)

Also fair enough - however (though it won't make any difference to the outcome) I still stand by my decision. :)

You cheeky git! :p

Meh - I've been called worse :p

I'll sort the points tomorrow whenever I'm off.

Hoping the lovely weather stays with you too on your day off - and with that I'm back out to my patio with my Punk IPA and my book :D
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13 Dec 2006
On the forest moon Endor
Better than your Bourbon beer. I had a similar Rum beer for my "Just" round and thought it was terrible!

The worst thing is I bought the Bourbon beer in a four pack :(

I'll try pass the remaining bottles off to my brother-in-law when he's back from the rigs :p

Weather is suppose to hold into the weekend. Once tonight is over I'm off till Sunday :D

Enjoy it mate, the weather and beer ;)

Cheers dude - I will do and you too :)
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