OcUK Dadsnet thread

23 Jul 2009
I thought it would be nice to have a thread where expecting dads, new parents or really bloody old parents alike could ask questions and share experiences of parenting or ways to save cash etc, as well as just moan about being exhausted and skint.

Are you trying to work out whether you really need that nose mucous bulb thing? Are you over the moon that your daughter just gave you her first proper smile and you just want to tell everyone in the world about it? Has your son finally gotten big enough to worry about him punching you back :p This is the thread for you.

I currently have my little girl asleep next to me, and yes I'm in that evangelical new dad phase where you get to see how cute she is whether you wanted to or not. It's crazy how quickly they start growing!
Good idea, It really is crazy how quickly time flies, I look back on some of the old photo's every now and again and I'm amazed at how tiny my little humans were!

Definitely worth having a thread for advice on what you'll need, there's a lot of baby related goods for sale that are absolutely useless as anything more than a door stop / paperweight!

Likewise, there's a lot of really good products that make life so much easier where kids are concerned.
Damn, I had money on it being the "ha gay" GIF for the first reply.

And yeah, anything that gets a bottle ready faster is generally worth its weight in gold!
*awaits Mumsnet raid in 10*:p Not a terrible idea actually. We had a few of these 'the worst I'm a dad look at me go' threads in the past. :D

Lol yeah. I thought maybe a "safe space" for us to just get it out of our systems would maybe be a good thing. I remember feeling clueless before my kid was born so again it's also about trying to convince expecting parents that they don't need a £2k cot. An old piece of plywood is just fine if you get the splinters out*

*it is not
Didn't we already have something like this? I remember suggesting to buy 3 times more clothesline pegs than you already have as baby clothes take up less space on the line and you can wash more at once.
Love my kids but one thing I could do without is having to check the toilet seat to make sure my boy hasent piddled all over it. Every now and then I forget to check:(
*awaits Mumsnet raid in 10*:p Not a terrible idea actually. We had a few of these 'the worst I'm a dad look at me go' threads in the past. :D


They'll say how misogynistic we all are. It's their most over-used word on AIBU.

Oh and men are simple creatures. They play that card often too. If we're simple creatures, then why the hell did they take us as partners in the first place?

Money and sperm :p
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