My first daughter is now 3, and she's great fun. Almost couldn't stand to be in the same house all the time she was a baby, she was flipping awful. To be fair, I have a very low tolerance for screaming children, so that didn't help!
We get on great and she's her own little person now, which is sometimes challenging. Always wants to help out, whatever I'm doing. Sometimes this is really unhelpful, especially such as yesterday when she emptied one of my boxes of woodscrews on the ground and mixed a load of different sizes together.
Daughter 2 is 2.5 months old and much less of a bag of screaming flesh than daughter 1 was. If all babies were this straightforward, well, we probably wouldn't have more, but there would probably be a higher population than there is at present!
I kind of hoped I'd end up with 2 daughters, but I'm already beginning to feel quite outnumbered...