@Gibbo hi, I saw a post from you earlier saying that if the payment went through the order was confirmed pretty much, and that the system doesn’t allow orders without stock, wanted to confirm about my situation, I understand you all must be up the walls as I sent this morning a cx query about this, but if you have more details around this I would appreciate some insight.
Basically was stuck on the payment method while I had the item in the basket for checkout. My card was taking ages to verify so changed the payment method to another card, when I did so and the payment went through, I saw a message saying out of stock, but got a charge on the card . I never got an email from OC, but I have an order number and status say undefined. Went for a while to confirmed and then back to undefined. I got another email from Amazon saying that the payment was pending( I used that as payment method ) and once the order is completed the charge will go through.
As I have read, from what I understand, if I have a order number and that charge is there basically means the order went through right?