More of those just arrived also, the issue is hundreds of Strix orders, so it really depends on how many people are switching.
I'd be calling at 9am personally. If you miss out next large of Gigabyte which is a few hundred is landing next week, so worse case you have one more week or so off waiting.
Unfortunately with Asus we struggle to even get a shipment manifest from them or a schedule, they are not as easy to get information from.
Whereas with MSI and Gigabyte I talk to the MD/CEO's at HQ level, so I can get such information and also much larger stock quantities. This is not because Asus like OcUK less, we've being receiving the lion share of stock, the issue they have had so little and I cannot talk to someone at HQ level, I talk to a guy, who talks to another guy, who then talks to another guy and well you get the idea.
I am sure Asus will come good, but they are simply taking longer.