Can Pudney and Brabbinho vote please with your strongest suspicions?
It would be Leprechaun, because:
1) his inconsistent approach to aggressive voting, targeting Malt for doing that then applying the same tactic
2) his apparent dislike of gut voting and using questioning to reach a conclusion. Again, inconsistency with not even bothering to do that with me.
3) his immediate defence on day 3 claiming I'm mafia and influencing the vote like I did with 47. Despite me even stating I was voting that way because you made it clear not to vote Malt, making it obvious he wasn't a possible mafia. I even stated I was making that vote to save Malt, not because I thought 47 was a good idea.
4) his certainty to vote for Malt despite a clear message not to from someone who had the highest probability of being the tracker and having useful info.
All the above may be sour grapes that he came out to vote for me straight away, but I think of all the people he has been the most changeable.
Ok. Is there a reason you aren't voting for him now then?
Yeah, I feel bad that it's sour grapes! So:
vote leprechaun
Also, I think it's interesting both lep and Shami have avoided directly pointing the finger at each other as one of their main 2 suspects.
I'm mafia because I voted for Brabbinho? Can you elaborate on that because that makes no sense to me?
Now that we have everyone's (except mine, of course) - do we think it is a safe assumption that mafia wouldn't have voted for each other with their initial vote?
Now that we have everyone's (except mine, of course) - do we think it is a safe assumption that mafia wouldn't have voted for each other with their initial vote?
Wouldn't that have looked a little suspicious if after being entirely suspicious of each other me and Brabbinho had both suddenly voted for Pudney
Leprechaun keeps saying he is town, perhaps to detract attention from himself? The only thing we know as a group is that Chris is town and 2 from the other 4 are mafia. Continuously claiming you are town is pointless.