OcUK Musicians - What style do you play?

Chronos-X said:
Freeform jazz with 7 minute mixolydian shred solos :o

And I thought my band had some diverse styles! :p

Actually....our temporary bassist likes 'jazz' (or so he says), I play almost anything, but mostly Vai/Petrucci/Satriani style stuff, the other guitar player plays Malmsteen and classical stuff, one singer is a rapper, I've never met the drummer, and the other 'maybe' singer likes Oasis and Japanese pop music. :D

This band is either going to be brilliant, or it's going to be a humiliation. Either way, should be fun. :D
listen to: Blues jazz, jazz blues, classic rock, rock, metal, some shred, country, blue grass and folk. but i'll listen to anything and if i like it, i like it.

on guitar i mostly play classic bluesy rocky stuff and heavy metally rock.
At the moment I'm not playing pro, but in the past I've played piano professionally solo, in chamber groups / bands and in orchestras. I've also played the oboe semi-professionally but not quite so much.

As for styles, I'm classically-trained but have a go at pretty much everything. My big interest at the moment is jazz, but I tend to ignore genres and styles so bits of it will sound like weird fruity electronic and other bits like Bach ;)

arty said:
As for styles, I'm classically-trained but have a go at pretty much everything. My big interest at the moment is jazz, but I tend to ignore genres and styles so bits of it will sound like weird fruity electronic and other bits like Bach ;)
Tell me more about this fruity electronic music. Is it stuff like Squarepusher?
On piano, classical and a bit of blues.

On voice, classical. Though I haven't sung since secondary school where we had a brilliant music teacher and singing tutor.

Me and 3 friends > the entire girls' choir :cool:
Arcade Fire said:
Tell me more about this fruity electronic music. Is it stuff like Squarepusher?

In places, but probably closer to Autechre. I'm not as clever, though - and mine is entirely improvised these days. Recording is far too much effort :)

play bass, like tool, guitar like someone who cant play, keyboards like a guy with no left arm, and program drums like someone who didnt read the manual, dont play anything particulalry well, but do my own thing in my own style, some people like it.
im 18, Drummer.

12 Years Playing.

Techincal Metal. MetalCore/DeathMetal/Grindcore.

I'd Die Without My Double pedal.
Thats pretty good :cool:.

When I play drums I like playing a 4 piece kit.. I duno why.. I just prefer it.
naffa said:
Thats pretty good :cool:.

When I play drums I like playing a 4 piece kit.. I duno why.. I just prefer it.

i use

8" 10" 12" 14" 22"

Gretsch Renown Maple Series, With Gibralter Hardware. All Floating Toms.

Sabian HHX Evolution 16", Sabian Pro Hi-Hats, Sabian pro Crash 16" Sabian B8 Ride Cymbal. Zildjian Splash.

Iron Cobra Double Pedal, Twin Chained, Janus 2 Legged Hi-Hat Stand, Pearl Roadtser Throne.
Guitar (electric and acoustic):

Hendrix, General blues messing around.
Some small dollops of jazzy jamming.
Then I do some Django Reinhardt stuff, fingerstyle acoustic, slapstyle acoustic(my teacher takes pop songs and puts all the parts into one guitar piece (bass, guitar, vocals) and creates his version of them for me. I say pop, stuff like hotel california etc).
A band called Extreme. Also, Minus the Bear is fun stuff to play.

Fun stuff :) Not into metal (+ I can't do it at all.)

Really wanting a Roland GR-20 for some variation.

EDIT: Forgot funk! :(
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