OcUK News 2nd & 3rd November 2002

Ah ha LUC1FER, not preparred to take on the NOOBS mano a mano eh? Gotta get some muscle behind you eh :p

Well guess I may just see if Mr BIFFAz wants to link and well see just who is going to rule. NOOBS or Old Duffers.

I take it the race to 2K is now back on.

THe Square shaped one.:D
Originally posted by m0box
Ah ha LUC1FER, not preparred to take on the NOOBS mano a mano eh? Gotta get some muscle behind you eh :p

Well guess I may just see if Mr BIFFAz wants to link and well see just who is going to rule. NOOBS or Old Duffers.

I take it the race to 2K is now back on.

THe Square shaped one.:D


They can run but they can never hide from the n00b's

We wil chase
We will find


We will STOMP

mr ADW s'ah............

is 'the week that was' no longer in your excel bits......that was a great once a week addition

Mr LUC1FER Sah, Whilst I can appreciate your desire to show us NOOBs the way home, and why not:D I quote the following from "the forum stickey" and leave you to make your own descision as to wether or not you should continue.

Quoting Mind yerbeak from "The Bestest Stickey in the SETI Universe"

Several times the idea of creating a mini team within a team has been suggested. The idea is for several friends all to 'crunch' in one name, leading to faster progress up the team tables for the 'joint' account.

As a matter of policy, we consider this to usually be a very bad idea - for the following reason.

But where the idea is to recuit existing forum members into a mini-team, there is great potential for trouble.

Either the whole account has to leave OcUK against the wished of those who wish to stay. Or the whole team has to stay, against the wishes of those who wish to leave. There is no way to separate the WU's according to who wants to stay and who wants to go. Whoever has the mini-team account in their name, and therefore has the password, can remove the team - and all the WU's it's crunched - whether the other mini-team members agree or not.

This is NOT a hypothetical situation. Exactly that has already happened to OcUK team members, with the result that a significant number of WU's they crunched are now lodged in an account residing in one of the teams that is a direct competitor.

I can't emphasaise strongly enough how bad an idea this is, and would vehemently advocate that any OcUK forum members wishing to crunch for Seti do so in their own name. It is the ONLY way to ensure that they have ANY say in which team their units reside in.

So I for one will not race you as it is clear that at least one OcUK Member Mr Imposter as stated he is crunching for THE HUB.


Kind regards,

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