You get an extra 1.5L of relentless for the same cost :( Cmon guys I wanna try this but its got to be as cheap as the imo market winner.

Yeah.. because relentless is ****

edit; Are we likely to see this replacing haribo eventually?
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"Not Suitable for children, diabetics, pregnant women and people sensitive to caffeine
(These people shouldn't be gaming anyway!)"

Diabetics can be gamers too :(
Any chance of an ingredients list/nutrition table? I'm just curious
i find its best not to ask for ingredients on a few things on life, energy drinks, dodgy kebabs and bad curries are the top 3 :D
doesn't taste any different to the 20p cans you get down lidl, Didn't give me any energy either
check the listing again, it has been removed...

it was tongue in cheek. apologies for any offence caused.
doesn't taste any different to the 20p cans you get down lidl, Didn't give me any energy either

If this stuff gave energy then we wouldn't be using oil :p

All this does is give you caffeine and make you hyper, it's just interpreted as having more enrgy by your brain IIRC

It's most likely exactly the same stuff as the Asda crap, the branding dictates the price ;)
WHAT!?! Hear ye! Hear ye! Pay no attention to this man, he speaketh the lies!

Relentless origin is one of the best plain energy drinks out there. The top two are Tropical Relentless and Apple and Kiwi Relentless omnomnomnom.

Anyone who has tried this, what does it taste like? Are we talking red bull or more monster, relentless or more rockstar etc.

I too am a huge lover of the Apple and Kiwi, drinking too much makes your pee blue though, which is one of the most scary things i have EVER encountered.
Can't even make a joke these days without some over sensitive types becoming upset... Jesus smegging Christ! *shakes head*

Anyhow... I was drinking far too much green Monster, so usually consume the Lo Cal blue stuff now. Yeah, I know, a low calourie energy drink, it's probably causing my testicals to shrivel and giving my pets cancer and everything, but I need the caffeine. My espresso machine broke and my other methods of making decent coffee take a little more effort, not to mention I try to avoid super market coffee beans and I don't get chance to visit my local roaster all that often because I'm usually playing Battlefield... So, do you intend on doing a sugar free version because when I drink the sugary Monsters I end up putting on weight. I prefer to eat Haribo than get fat through a caffeine addiction.
Typical England.
Going downhill TBH, people can't even have a joke because it might offend.
I'd hate to share an office with either of you :rolleyes:

Joke or not it just came off a bit discriminatory that was all and when a company is advertising a product to the general public that should be avoided. Had it been just on these forums I wouldn't of commented, I'm more than willing to a let of lot of what people class as "jokes" on these forums slide but it was on the main site as well...
I like the way the people that can't take a joke didn't stand up for children, pregnant women and people sensitive to caffeine! who can also be gamers, just like diabetics.

I'm not surprised. Disappointed? Yes.
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