OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Six - "Motion" DISCUSSION

18 Oct 2002
Wickford - dark and scary
OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Six - "Motion" DISCUSSION

Theme: Motion

Chosen by: Gregeff

Closing date: Midnight Sunday September 24th 2006

Please post all discussion for the current competition in this thread and keep entries in the ENTRIES thread.
DO NOT post any entries in this thread!

Judges: RichDay, xolotl, Matt.

This competition is open to everyone.


Rules must be followed. Failure to follow one or more rules will result in disqualification for the current round.

* One image per entrant (may be a montage consisting of two or more photos).
* If a montage is entered, all photos in the image will be judged on their relevance to each other as well as the theme.
* Photos must be posted in or linked to this thread for consideration.
* Photos must be of a reasonable size.
* Photos may have an optional border. If used, this must be a single colour and a reasonable size.
* Photos must have been taken on or after Wednesday, July 26th, 2006. Invalid EXIF dates must be declared.
* Photos that have been commented on previously by any of the judges, will not be considered.
* Photos must be available for viewing in this thread until the competition winner has been announced.
* Photos must be your own work unless posting on behalf of someone else. If this is the case it should be stated in your post.

* Photographers must post their make and model unless it is provided in the EXIF Information.
* Photographers retain full copyright to their entries, so you must contact them before using their entries.

* The winner of each round will choose the theme for the next round.

* The Judges may not discuss or submit their interpretation of the theme until the competition winner has been announced.
* The Judges will not reveal individual scores, however some judges may provide a critique after the competition has ended.
* The Judges may or may not notify disqualified photographers before the deadline.
* The Judges decisions are final.

* Minimum Bribe Level: Canon EOS-1Ds Mk II


Recommendations are optional.

A '+' sign next to the recommendation means you will gain marks.
A '-' sign next to the recommendation means you will lose marks.
A '/' sign next to the recommentation means your score will not be affected.

Each of the 3 judges will give you a score out of 30 as follows:-

* Technical ( 1 - 10 )

+ Use of Photoshop or Image Editing programs to enhance your photo.
+ Correct use of Lighting/Saturation/Contrast/Exposure.
+ Correct use of DOF (Depth of Field).
+ Appreciation for Rule of Thirds, Golden Mean and other photographic rules.

- Overuse or misuse of Photoshop or other Image Editing programs
- Bad Lighting/Saturation/Contrast/Exposure.
- Blurred photos due to incorrect DOF (Depth of Field) or camera shake.
- Unintentionally slanted photos.

/ EXIF Info is recommended for digital photographers.
/ Camera Settings are recommended for film photographers.

* Theme Relevance ( 1 - 10 )

+ Good interpretation of the theme
+ Originality

/ Your photograph should represent the theme without further commentary.

* Impact ( 1 - 10 )

+ WOW Factor!
+ Overall ambience of the photo.

All past competition Entry, Discussion & Results threads can be found in the PV Archive. Select "From the - beginning" in the Display Options at the bottom of the page to view all Competition threads.
Joe T said:
Motorsport for the win!

you don't think it'll just blend into the crowd of dozens of similar images, that and the long exposure light trails that i imagine will come from the woodwork soon.

something original will take some thought
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bigredshark said:
you don't think it'll just blend into the crowd of dozens of similar images, that and the long exposure light trails that i imagine will come from the woodwork soon.

something original will take some though
Very true.

However, I pretty much only shoot motorsport these days, so I think I might have to go with that!

Besides, whatever the theme is, I try to get a motorsport image to fit it - even if it puts me last like the last round! :p
Joe T said:
Very true.

However, I pretty much only shoot motorsport these days, so I think I might have to go with that!

Besides, whatever the theme is, I try to get a motorsport image to fit it - even if it puts me last like the last round! :p

Thats interesting, trying to get a motorsport image for each theme is an interesting challenge, good on you for that one. Your shot isn't bad, personally although it shows motion, i don't believe it shouts it out, thats my only criticism though...
Can't say I'm happy about motion being the theme as I feel that limits people with cheaper digital cameras, I know from experiance that my S3500 is rubbish at taking motion shots, I may load a film into my old 35mm SLR but then that costs money, any way I'll try my best.
That's a very good point actually. The idea I have requires some above-average equipment, so I guess judges need to pay close attention to the make/model this round. :)
actually my ideas so far don't demand high end equipment oddly, i think for the obvious ideas it'd help but using some imagination there's plenty of choice really.

as it happens, just browsing the magazines while i got a bite to eat, digital photography, front cover, 'capturing motion' (or something like that).

coincidence?? ;)
Joe T said:
Besides, whatever the theme is, I try to get a motorsport image to fit it - even if it puts me last like the last round! :p

Same here, I invariably fail though and end up with something poor.

Mmmm, F1 @ Monza just round the corner? I hope the access to decent shots is better than Silverstone!!
TerraS said:
That's a very good point actually. The idea I have requires some above-average equipment, so I guess judges need to pay close attention to the make/model this round. :)

I 'think' I can use my P&S or my 300D for my idea so I suppose I'll use the P&S for 'extra' marks ;)
dod said:
Just a pity video isn't eligible :(

:rolleyes: :D

Got my entry up. I was aiming to get something with a bit of motion going on, perhaps I was pre-empting Gregeff's choice, thinking that if he won, he'd simply remove the 'E' to come up with Motion as the next theme! ;)

I have other ideas too, but I may go and play about with this one a bit more before I consign it to bin-land.
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