OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Six - "Motion" DISCUSSION

ichabod crane said:
posted my first pic in one of these competitions, do i need to have entered before or anything?? because i know there are rounds and such like

Nope, you can enter as little or as often as you like. Of course, your not going to win the season having missed 4 rounds but the main point is to have fun and improve your photography skills.
I didnt even know the theme was 'Motion' this month. Quite lucky really as I took this picture today at a friends 1 year birthday party. Might stick with it, depends on what else I get within the next month! Lots of cool events to go to and have an idea brewing in my head :). Must admit, I do the like my current entry. :) Feeling a large print coming on framed and walled,...


Ill need a judge to comment on this though,...

RichDay said:
* Photos may have an optional border. If used, this must be a single colour and a reasonable size.

Can the border contain a copyright/signature?
Righty, got my entry up!
Might change it, might not. I think a lot of people are gonna look at mine and go "whut, that's rubbish!".

As an aside, can we all try to skim over other photos and flag up anything we think might be rule breaking // DQ material?

King_Boru - you certainly didn't used to be able to have a copyright signature jobby - but this doesn't seem to be in the rules anymore. Regardless, can a judge confirm either way?

Broadbandplacey - even if it is gonna be replaced, you've got a double border going on there. Instant DQ no-we-won't-let-you-off [NAZI SALUTE!].
King_Boru said:
I didnt even know the theme was 'Motion' this month. Quite lucky really as I took this picture today at a friends 1 year birthday party. Might stick with it, depends on what else I get within the next month! Lots of cool events to go to and have an idea brewing in my head :). Must admit, I do the like my current entry. :) Feeling a large print coming on framed and walled,...


Ill need a judge to comment on this though,...

Can the border contain a copyright/signature?

I think you are now allowed a small amount of text in your images. We did used to have a rule on this but we no longer do. Look at last months entries, several images had quite prominent text in. So a small watermark or signature shouldn't be a problem.
Yeah, Broadbandplacey, you may want to change the border on your pic to conform with the rules ;)

Can I be a cheeky so and so and ask for some feedback on my image? I was thinking of expanding on this if at all poss (a bit limited though with the 18-70), and was wondering if it was worth the effort in trying to get something better.
Hi Danza, it certainly captures motion but I feel it leans more towards a 'mayhem' theme considering how busy the image is. I wouldnt say you were limited using an 18 - 70 as the image I have entered has been captured using a fixed focal lenght 50mm f1.8D AF. You can capture motion quite well using any kind of lens, you just have to apply it differently. It will be more challenging but it is possible. Try going down to your local BMX track and asking some of the lads if they fancy having a 'free' shoot. I am sure they will be more than willing to show off to the camera. Get quite close in and if you have one, use a speedlight for some night shots, they can look quite impressive. Apply some rear and front flash aswell, can get some nice effects.

Personally I dont like the 'I'll just use a slow shutter speed to get a motion effect' approach. Think it through as you can capture motion without any blur/shutter effects. The subject matter should be able to say it all. Obviously some shots use it well but too many photographers have the above approach. Just my opinion.

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I do agree, it is quite a busy image, more impressionistic of motion than anything else I guess. I would like to shoot a pigeon/some pigeons close up during take off, but getting close enough will be difficult. The other problem is that there aren't that many pigeons near me. That pic was taken in London where there are obviously bucketloads!
Not to be too critical but it's too busy, nothing is sharp and theres no stand out things in it (vivid colour etc). It's probably the best representation yet of motion in the strict sense of the word though
can i be cheeky and ask for some feed back on mine its my first entry in the comp and dont know what to expect. i may get a better shot before the closing date and change it dunno yet cant plan these things
Got my entry up. Spent the last monday evening photographing a canoe course. Anyone want to comment on the image feel free.

Posted one, placeholder (I know, I know), to remind me to go & take some pictures of moving things :D

ichabod crane said:
can i be cheeky and ask for some feed back on mine its my first entry in the comp and dont know what to expect. i may get a better shot before the closing date and change it dunno yet cant plan these things

It looks a bit wonky, the tree's in the background aren't straight. There's no real focal point, the river draws your eye up towards the middle of the picture, but there's nothing there other than some leaves. It doesn't say motion to me either :)
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King_Boru said:
Joe T, what lens was that shot taken with? Its very sharp for a 200mm shot @ 1/100th!
Its not the lens, its the photgrapher skill :p

And yes, as already stated its my 120-300 2.8. It might have had a 1.4tc on it, but I cant be sure. :)

Thank you for the compliment :)
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