OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Six - "Motion" DISCUSSION

I'd all but given up entering the competition as the standard is so high these days and where I may have been one of the peers on here years ago I am once again a student ! Feel free to comment peeps as I've had a break from photography for a while but trying my best to get back into the swing of things again with my entry.. Thx
Puz said:
I'd all but given up entering the competition as the standard is so high these days and where I may have been one of the peers on here years ago I am once again a student ! Feel free to comment peeps as I've had a break from photography for a while but trying my best to get back into the swing of things again with my entry.. Thx
Hey Puz, long time no see :)

Know what you mean about the standard on here, loads of really talented people appearing. Nice shot to get things started off again :)
Puz said:
I'd all but given up entering the competition as the standard is so high these days and where I may have been one of the peers on here years ago I am once again a student ! Feel free to comment peeps as I've had a break from photography for a while but trying my best to get back into the swing of things again with my entry.. Thx

Although you seemed to phase out posting here just about the time I started to post photography, I always looked at your photos with a sense of "wow, I wish I could visualise shots like that". I seem to remmeber a marble on a yellow background - very abstract and very cool.

Good to see you back here and posting again :)
I think this competition is great, we have somme very talented people doing work with their own very individual style. Add in the element that we all help each other, and there is no stigma attach to posting a average or even bad photo. We all learn from each other and we all improve together which help to raise the standard of the competition as a whole.
ichabod crane said:
since my first one got a slating :p i plunged into the holiday pics see what i could find so ive changed my entry already :D

Hey, you asked ;) :p

Your new one is much better :)
Mine is in.....subject to change (as always ;) )

Taken while out with the kids at the Manchester Museum of Science & Industry.

Got an entry in. I think I'll call it 'As inspired by Hoodi' ;)

Subject to change, of course.

Just realised that there's no exif attached. I'll repost it with exif if I don't change the entry.
Mohain said:
Got an entry in. I think I'll call it 'As inspired by Hoodi' ;)

Subject to change, of course.

Just realised that there's no exif attached. I'll repost it with exif if I don't change the entry.

Its so like his I thought it was :D
DRZ said:
Although you seemed to phase out posting here just about the time I started to post photography, I always looked at your photos with a sense of "wow, I wish I could visualise shots like that". I seem to remmeber a marble on a yellow background - very abstract and very cool.

Good to see you back here and posting again :)

Cheers DRZ, good to be back and wondering what on earth I'm doing as usual ;)

That marble pic would be here ! :)
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