This, lock those threads, encourage all to start posting individual threads for photo critique and advise then hopefully we can have less of the 'why didn't you buy xyz as lab tests show it's 00.1% better than abc'.
And if as a relative novice I can put my two cents forward, we've got something special here.
The photography group is small here, that is obviously natural however for me that is its saving grace. I would never ever ever ever! (yes that many!) dream of entering a comp on TP or another photo forum. Those guys have hundreds of entries from users who literally earn their living from taking photos, and as a result I feel this closer, intimate comp is a better place for my photos to get a decent and fair critique (I mean jeez, my first entry was a blooming seagul, and crane sat down and gave it a good looking over! You have no idea what that did for my self esteem when I'm appearing on the same page as togs such as GXR, Ksanti and Red5, literally, not technially
Its a great intimate place to come and get fair points and fair discussion, TP is rather bad for that I feel, posts get buried in minutes not hours and ask a bad question, prepare for flame!
The comp format has its pro's and cons:
Pros: Good themes (if a tad too abstract, however that does force some thought!)
Smallish entry numbers
A good level of critique
Complex themes
You can feel a tad intimidated by the early bloomers in each months entry. (This month alone was wow!)
You're never gonna win unless all your competition kicks the can (although I did come 8th, however I don't know if thats a reflection of the committed members and the large gap in the abilities of the part timers)
Sorry for the wall of text
End note tho, I am for scrapping the GIANT all pics here threads. A post per photo wishing critique would prove more beneficial (A user could upload the photo and link a file of the RAW, allowing if permitted other members to have a go with their shot and offer advice)