OcUK Photo Comp - THE FUTURE ...

I'll be quite honest, I haven't ever submitted an image as I didn't think I was good enough!

Now of course if there are lots who think like me and just look when we pootle onto these boards but don't participate then of course the competition will peter out when regular contributors become too busy.

I suppose my contribution is to say that I'll try and submit something (better get reading the rules!) and urge others who have pondered over it to give it a go as well.
My usual reasons for not entering (apart from not visiting the forum on a regular basis) are due to difficulties with the theme.

Also, it might sound a bit selfish but I only entered in December to get a bit of critique on my photo and I see there isn't any this month? My belief was it wasn't any extra work for the judges as you make some brief notes anyway? One of my favourite things about the competition is/was looking at the feedback across the various photos to see into the judges' thought processes, so for people who are looking for feedback on their work, I think that's an excellent reason to enter.

Could making it into a bi-monthly competition help? It wouldn't be as big a commitment and would give more time to consider a theme (maybe too much).

I don't see a problem with the winners of a round choosing the theme and having an advantage next round. I suppose there's nothing stopping people straying from the theme; they just won't get full marks in that category.
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How much work is involved with running the competition? I'm not that familiar with it, what's the process?

I have to say, I don't think the winner should pick the next round. Maybe it doesn't bear out in practice, but in my mind if they have won then they are probably pretty good and if they pick the next round they are already playing to their strengths / advantages.

Maybe everyone interested should post a theme they would like then they are all put into a hat and one chosen at random to be that months theme? It would seem fairer to everyone entering.
Discovered this thread when thinking maybe I'll enter the comp this year, I was never a big poster in it but always used to be a bit of a lurker.

I haven't been in the sub-forum much in the last year or so as my camera has become a bit more of a tool than a hobby lately. That thing with the pros leaving and stuff gave a bit of a bad taste too which didn't help either.

With the scoring perhaps a bigger weighting towards theme away from the other technical elements to try and help the less experienced? I do love the idea of only scoring the top 10 for an overall prize though, missing just one entry really does put you behind.
On themes I don't think generic themes necessarily means dull entries, marks are awarded for interpretation of theme are they not? Thus a dull entry gets lower marks than one which does something creative and different with the same theme? That said perhaps 6 generic and 6 abstract themes a year? If combined with top 10 scoring this lets people to weight their 10 on themes they might do better with? Picking and listing the 12 themes at the start of the year would take some of the stress out of coming up with ideas, conversely it would maybe reduce the anticipation of the next months theme.

Those are my thoughts, my intentions are to be more active in the p/v forum this year.

This one just came to me, how about a TBL award for most gear obsessed or some such?
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For me, the standard of entries puts me off, Im not that good, and the level of PP involved for someone who has never PP'd a photo in his life is daunting, I want to take photo's, not spend 10hrs swearing at a computer because I don't know how to make it do what I want to.

Processing is an important part of photography, whether it's film or digital, so you may want to invest some time in learning how to process your photos properly.
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