OcUK Photo Forum Meet

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
As its meant to be summer now with everyone finishing uni and quitting their jobs to spend time on the beach, people have been talking on IRC of a photo forum meetup. There aren't any dates or places yet but we are basically looking for a big event with lots of things to photograph. My initial thought was the Mersey River Festival. Why? Simply because it had planes, boats, people, events, etc. There was a whole host of things for people to shoot. However its cancelled :D So we're looking for really great events. There are a few cool things happening in Liverpool this summer.

Hub - Urban Street Festival - July 22/23rd

An open street course for BMX, skate and inline, amateur competitions held
Live bands, DJs and breakdancing competition
New for 2006 - Dirt Jump track
55 Graffiti artists from the UK, Europe and USA create 250m of street art


Matthew Street Festival - August Bank Holiday Monday

Lots of bands and live music. Great street photography. I'm hoping to get a press pass for this event so I'm not sure how available I would be. I'm just dreaming at the moment though :)


Brouhaha International Street Festival - 29/30 July I think

Lots of people dancing and things on stage in Liverpool. Theres meant to be a bollywood performance at the Met Cathedral. Great for street photography and things.

Anyone got any other ideas? Try not to limit people to a certain type of photography or something that requires certain lenses. Its just about meeting everyone and having a good time.
Any ideas for something a little more central that perhaps a few more people may be able to attend? Just liverpool is quite northern, wouldnt be that much of a problem for me but people who are much further south of here would be having quite a hefty travel on their hands.

I do like the idea though :)
Is this an over 18 meet only? Or are under 18s allowed (I'm only 17, its only if your all off to the pub etc)
Cool idea. I could make liverpool financially (book in advance and train tickets aint so bad) - but with it being about seven hours either way, I'd have to leave as soon as I arrived!
love the idea of meeting up, allways wanted to meet you guys, i love all of your different styles of photography. I would really be interested in the skate boarding/hip-hop/breakdancing event at the urban street festival.

Ive heard that Liverpool is a great place to go to and i have always wanted to go.
May have a new 70-200L with a 1.4 coverter to play with also :)
Gamefreak ~ By train it'll take you about 3 hours.
If you book in advance a return will cost ~ £50 - two singles are cheaper if you can manage to get the cheap tickets, but they're scarce. At best you're looking at two singles at £17 each, but you're more likely to only be able to get the £23 singles.

You can knock money off that if you have any sort of railcard.

Hope that helps.
lukechad said:
Any ideas for something a little more central that perhaps a few more people may be able to attend? Just liverpool is quite northern, wouldnt be that much of a problem for me but people who are much further south of here would be having quite a hefty travel on their hands.

I do like the idea though :)

I picked Liverpool simply because I know the place and the events coming up. The events offer a variety of types of photography and oppourtinities being located in the city center. If anyone knows of any better events coming up we could goto then I'm all for it :)
howell80 said:
love the idea of meeting up, allways wanted to meet you guys, i love all of your different styles of photography.

agreed. would be nice if it could be more central though, as said it would be easier for most people to get to i would imagine.
hoodmeister said:
Gamefreak ~ By train it'll take you about 3 hours.
If you book in advance a return will cost ~ £50 - two singles are cheaper if you can manage to get the cheap tickets, but they're scarce. At best you're looking at two singles at £17 each, but you're more likely to only be able to get the £23 singles.

You can knock money off that if you have any sort of railcard.

Hope that helps.

Cheers, thanks, that helps!

3 hours ain't so bad!

Any idea when it starts? Wondering whether I should set off on Sunday or Monday
Sounds like a good idea. I've just been on another forum-type photo meet and travelled from Southampton to Whitby which is more northern unless you're Dod and it's still southern...:D

It was a great weekend too. Good weather, great pics and good to meet the others. And we all stayed up Friday night for the Saturday morning dawn shoot.
milou said:
Sounds like a good idea. I've just been on another forum-type photo meet and travelled from Southampton to Whitby which is more northern unless you're Dod and it's still southern...:D

It was a great weekend too. Good weather, great pics and good to meet the others. And we all stayed up Friday night for the Saturday morning dawn shoot.

id think about this but its a looooong way up norf from here :D

I really enjoyed the london meet (apart from the cold!)
Train tickets from London to Manchester are £12.50 for singles if you book enough in advance, but limited to morning/evening travel. I think some of them trains go onto Liverpool too probably for a couple of quid extra, if not then it's about £10 return to Liverpool from Manchester. With a railcard that works out at less than £30 :)

I'd be interested in meeting up definately!
I would say a definate yes to Liverpool, but we are in the early throws of selling the house and buying a new one, so timing is probably going to stop me! The August one is out cos I'll be in Ireland or on the way back at least.

If a date is set by you guys, I may be a late decider!

Sorry I can't contribute to places, unless you want to come to Peterborough...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! :D Cathedral is nice tho!

AndyBorzi said:
I would say a definate yes to Liverpool, but we are in the early throws of selling the house and buying a new one, so timing is probably going to stop me! The August one is out cos I'll be in Ireland or on the way back at least.

If a date is set by you guys, I may be a late decider!

Sorry I can't contribute to places, unless you want to come to Peterborough...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! :D Cathedral is nice tho!


Nowt wrong with boro ;)
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