OcUK Photo Forum Meet

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
As its meant to be summer now with everyone finishing uni and quitting their jobs to spend time on the beach, people have been talking on IRC of a photo forum meetup. There aren't any dates or places yet but we are basically looking for a big event with lots of things to photograph. My initial thought was the Mersey River Festival. Why? Simply because it had planes, boats, people, events, etc. There was a whole host of things for people to shoot. However its cancelled :D So we're looking for really great events. There are a few cool things happening in Liverpool this summer.

Hub - Urban Street Festival - July 22/23rd

An open street course for BMX, skate and inline, amateur competitions held
Live bands, DJs and breakdancing competition
New for 2006 - Dirt Jump track
55 Graffiti artists from the UK, Europe and USA create 250m of street art


Matthew Street Festival - August Bank Holiday Monday

Lots of bands and live music. Great street photography. I'm hoping to get a press pass for this event so I'm not sure how available I would be. I'm just dreaming at the moment though :)


Brouhaha International Street Festival - 29/30 July I think

Lots of people dancing and things on stage in Liverpool. Theres meant to be a bollywood performance at the Met Cathedral. Great for street photography and things.

Anyone got any other ideas? Try not to limit people to a certain type of photography or something that requires certain lenses. Its just about meeting everyone and having a good time.
lukechad said:
Any ideas for something a little more central that perhaps a few more people may be able to attend? Just liverpool is quite northern, wouldnt be that much of a problem for me but people who are much further south of here would be having quite a hefty travel on their hands.

I do like the idea though :)

I picked Liverpool simply because I know the place and the events coming up. The events offer a variety of types of photography and oppourtinities being located in the city center. If anyone knows of any better events coming up we could goto then I'm all for it :)
I think given that we've had a London meet, the Capital of the UK, its only fair we have a Liverpool meet, the Capital of Culture :) There seems to be enough people happy with this to make a fun meet.

Annoyingly I've just noticed that the Hub festival has been moved from the waterfront to Otterspool Prom which is about a 10 minute drive from the city center. Thats a bit stupid. Last year it was right in front of the Liverbuildings.
Ok I've just checked and there is this;

BUS: Arriva Service no.1 operates regularly from Aigburth Vale and Liverpool city centre (Queen Square) to Jericho Lane. The festival is a five-minute walk from here.

I *think* I've been to this place before so I should know how to get there. If in doubt we can just follow the kids on skateboards n stuff. If everyone is ok with this, and assuming the date is accurate we can go for either Saturday 22nd July or Sunday 23rd July. You can view whats on each day on the site.
AndyBorzi said:
I'm in for either 22 or 23rd! :D

We are leaving our daughter with my wifes parents and driving into the 'pool on Saturday morning. We shall get a hotel or b&b and stop over as well!

Even if you guys aren't meeting up, we will come anyway and have a hubby & wife photography day.

cykey - can you recommend anywhere? we shall google tonight and find somewhere anyway but if you know of anywhere that would be good.

The Marriot is popular by OcUK people and right in town.
Lostkat said:
Have we decided on Sat or Sun yet? I won't be staying over. Can't afford it, so I'll just go home late on Sat :)

So far 2 votes for Saturday. I'm good either day.
Lostkat said:
Think I'm a no for this weekend afterall, having spoken to the wife. We were going to go to Farnborough on the Sunday, and he's at Castle Coombe on the Saturday to watch a rally. Looks like I'll be going down on the Saturday too now :)

Shame! Will have to come up some other time :)

Ah well. Looks like you're going to have an ace weekend anyway. Why do they always have the summer airshows down south in the sun and the northern ones in September when it ALWAYS rains :D

So, who else is up for it?
A random name said:
After reading through the topic a few times, i still can't find out what's happening this weekend :o

This weekend as in July 1st or the weekend for the meet? The meet is scheduled to be when the Hub festival is on. Live music, skateboarding, street photography etc.
Ok if no-one minds we might try for July 29th. There's the return of the clipper race at Albert Docks and there's the Brouhaha street festival which includes some Bollywood dancing stage thing at one of the Cathedrals. It'll be more city centre based than the Hub festival so a great chance for lots of architecture, street photography and abstract shots. While hub would be fun there's just nothing else there to see.
Oookay this is going to hurt :) How about the Sunday, 30th July? We can visit the Cathedrals, see the Bollywood doo dar at one of them and its the Albert Docks 160th Birthday, so there *could* be something going on for that. You'd think :D

Theres stuff happening on both days and enough places in Liverpool to wander.
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Ok so as time moves along I think we need a definete head count for which ever day. Either Sat 29th or Sun 30th. Whichever has the most people for that day we'll go with. Theres stuff happening on both days to keep everyone entertained and plenty of distance to cover.
Lostkat said:
I can make Sun 30th, but not Sat 29th. I really don't mind if you want to do it on Saturday. I'm still coming to harass you on the Sunday though (if that's OK?) :)

Perfectly fine :)
Matt said:
Is anything still happening with this, or has it all been forgotten? :D

Its in beta form ;) I've got to find out some times of when things are happening to plan it.
Right well I just learned that the Bollywood steps thing occurs at 9:30 PM this weekend so bah. So its basically now just come to Liverpool, see the sights and meet the people. Scheduled for this Sunday, 30th July. I bet it rains.
Ok 23c on Sunday. Looking good. If people are up for a walk I was thinking we could meet at Lime St station then wander up to the Cathedrals, then back down via Duke St, popping down to Concert Sq for some food/drinks, back into town for a wander and perhaps the Albert Docks. Unless people just wanna meet at the pub and figure out something then?
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