OcUK Photo Forum Meet

I would love to join you all. I will speak to the other half as she is wanting to travel up that way to see her family. Ill see if I can book a couple of days off work too :).

Can you add me to your MSN's please?

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cyKey said:
So we have for the 29th July;




I'll probably come along :) Though only for the day, so won't be able to stay that late.
Oookay this is going to hurt :) How about the Sunday, 30th July? We can visit the Cathedrals, see the Bollywood doo dar at one of them and its the Albert Docks 160th Birthday, so there *could* be something going on for that. You'd think :D

Theres stuff happening on both days and enough places in Liverpool to wander.
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cyKey said:
Oookay this is going to hurt :) How about the Sunday, 30th July? We can visit the Cathedrals, see the Bollywood doo dar at one of them and its the Albert Docks 160th Birthday, so there *could* be something going on for that. You'd think :D

Theres stuff happening on both days and enough places in Liverpool to wander.

whats wrong with the 29th? :p
Ok so as time moves along I think we need a definete head count for which ever day. Either Sat 29th or Sun 30th. Whichever has the most people for that day we'll go with. Theres stuff happening on both days to keep everyone entertained and plenty of distance to cover.
I can make Sun 30th, but not Sat 29th. I really don't mind if you want to do it on Saturday. I'm still coming to harass you on the Sunday though (if that's OK?) :)
Lostkat said:
I can make Sun 30th, but not Sat 29th. I really don't mind if you want to do it on Saturday. I'm still coming to harass you on the Sunday though (if that's OK?) :)

Perfectly fine :)
I should be able to do either day :) But i'll only come up for the day, so won't stay that late.

cyk, it's probably best if you just decide on a date, and see who can make it. Giving people a choice isn't always the best way :p
Matt said:
Is anything still happening with this, or has it all been forgotten? :D

Its in beta form ;) I've got to find out some times of when things are happening to plan it.
Right well I just learned that the Bollywood steps thing occurs at 9:30 PM this weekend so bah. So its basically now just come to Liverpool, see the sights and meet the people. Scheduled for this Sunday, 30th July. I bet it rains.
Ok 23c on Sunday. Looking good. If people are up for a walk I was thinking we could meet at Lime St station then wander up to the Cathedrals, then back down via Duke St, popping down to Concert Sq for some food/drinks, back into town for a wander and perhaps the Albert Docks. Unless people just wanna meet at the pub and figure out something then?
damn, id love to do something like this, however liverpool is a bit too far for me but i will be very interested if we do another one a bit closer to home sometime :)
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