OcUK Photo Forum Meet

TerraS said:
I just had a flash of inspiration!

Why not have a North Meet and a South Meet, so people are more likely to attend etc?

Then have a theme for the outing and the North and South can compete against each other in a sort of fun competition.


Well we kinda already are. There was a London meet a while back, which is the capital of the UK and now we're having a Liverpool meet which is the capital of culture :D
Well typical. Glad I moved it to Sunday as its forecast to rain on Saturday and there's a lesser chance of rain on Sunday. According to the BBC its sunny intervals on Sunday. Although WeatherUnderground says its the other way round.
Yeah its Sunday now. The events scheduled for during the day are actually taking place at 9:30pm so I'm not sure anyone will still be around for that. So its basically just a meet with a chance to take some photos in Liverpool, unless it rains as predicted then its just a meet :)
Now the weather says Saturday will be sunny. OMG make up your mind!! Lets hope they change it for Sunday too. I'm a bit worried though, as I don't have a confirmed list of who's coming. If you're coming could you let me know somehow. If anyone *is* coming? :cries:
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