OcUK Poker '11 Season

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Hi All,

Well that the end of another 12 rounds of Ocuk Poker. It was great to see the regulars and some new comers who challenged the more established players during those games. I hope that those new players will continue to play next year.

I must congratulate Al on getting first place, while those 12 matches didn't count towards this year's league has it had finished its some achievement. Also I must congratulate you on having the best average over the past two years as well!

Below is the spreadsheets for last 12 games, and the past 2 years of matches.

OCUK 2011 Part 2

World Rankings

If anyone can spot any errors let me know :)

So next year we will start around the 2nd week in January and run for 12 weeks, take a break over summer and then continue in September for the last 12 games. There will be four games that will be worth double the points, games, 6,12,18,24, which will allow you to close that gap to your nearest rival or extend it :) Come the end of the 24 games the winner will be decided.


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I think this OCUK poker league thing is a great idea, but i just cant be bothered to play for nothing. :confused:

Would anyone here be interested in having a league that actually has some real money involved? Similar principle as the current league but a $5, $10 or $20 tournament weekly/fortnightly/monthly??? Also would anyone be interested in anything other than NLH?? i.e. PLO/O8, 7stud, Razz, Horse, 8-game??

Can't unfortunately. It has been asked several times over the past few years that I've ran this and each time the Don's reply is no.

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