eclap, add me guys.

PS4, following games

  • The Last of Us
  • PES 2016
  • Destiny TKK
  • Infamous Second Son + First Light
  • Killzone Shadow Fall
  • Diablo 3
  • Lots of Indie games
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Got me a PS4 now instead of gaming on the PC so my PSN ID is : Meh-Uk if you want to add me.
Bought myself a PS4 a couple of days ago to help keep me amused following knee surgery coming up in november (and I'll be off work for 8 - 12 weeks...)

PSN name is greengiant1977 Current games are Destiny (bundled with the PS4), Project Cars, Metro Redux, Batman Arkham Knight and The Order 1886

Still on the 14 day free trial of PS+ at the moment, not tried online gaming yet.
My PSN name is Suneai

Mostly play Fifa 16, Rocket League and Terraria on my PS4... and Minecraft wehn my niece is visiting.
I've not really tried much online games on my console but have an active PS+ subscription.
You can change my tag (in PS3 section) to Aerindyr as i swapped profiles now, also same name applies to psvita and ps4 if you want! :)
xzenon uk or yrkoon99 on ps4 community. didn't know what one to sign up to so joined both communities? :)

looking forward to playing with u guys, doing blood borne at the moment then probably gonna start disgea 5, both they games were reason enough to get a ps4 :)

still got games unplayed and unopened on disc plus every single ps4 game thats been released on ps+ :)

my back log got worse as well with the recent steam sale, its surprising what a phenom II 955 with 8 gig of ram and a 270x can actually run, new pc getting saved up for, was half way there then spent it on a ps4 lol
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I only have 2 games for PS4, Black Ops 3 and Destiny.

You are welcome to add me though if you fancy playing some pvp. My PSN is Krogothz
Purchasing a PS4 in the next week or so, already on PSN as still using PS3 at moment. Feel free to add me


I've never really taken off with online gaming so will be nice to get some time spent playing online with others (go easy on me)
PSN: Bathalot

Mainly on Battlefront and waiting for the Division to arrive, not getting on PS4 much with new baby but hopefully that will improve as time goes on!
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