Relatively new PS4 owner. My friends list is pathetically small. So if anyone wants to add me, for when my library of games expands for some online gaming or just so you can laugh at my trophy collection:
*Edit* Didn't read the instructions at all.

Add please, PS4.

PSN: soofla
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Added a few recent peeps to my list. Currently playing Fifa 17 and BF1 will be here any time soon. I am still really an online gaming noob even though owned PS3/PS4 for ages.

Mat_Lock_dj is my PSN
I added you in response :)
Just nice to see what other people are up to - also like to check if anyone has those trophies I just cannot get!
Just picked up a PS4 Pro this weekend as I wanted to play some of the PS4 exclusives. So I picked up: Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us Remastered, Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition & Driveclub.

Will probably be getting Destiny 2 on the PS4 instead of the Xbox One this year as well.

PSN: UKGingerNinja
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PSN = xClarkyx

Games = FIFA/pes. Bf1. ESO. Rocket league. GtaV. Pcars. GT sport (beta).

These are the main games I play but have plenty more

All on PS4 pro.
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