car has developed ANOTHER problem *sigh* will try to make it... not sure tho :/
Originally posted by Gilly
"I'm sorry I'm very GAY and want to be banned".
Originally posted by agw_01
Just thought I would say...
Hope you guys have a great time Hopefully I'll be able to make the next one.
I could have made it to this one, but it's my sisters 21st party tomorrow night... you're not the only one's going out on the town
Originally posted by chenko
She can come with us
Originally posted by Conanius
btw, should warn people I take 10-15 seconds to start speaking sometimes, as ... my speaker is bust, vodaphone refuse to give me a loan handset, and i can be 6-8 weeks without a phone (nice) so I have to put it on speakerfone
Originally posted by [TW]Fox
Car Status: Just washed for second time in 24 hours following a torrential downpour and resulting mud splattered up the side.
Why do I get the feeling I am fighting a loosing battle
Originally posted by Conanius
riteo guys...
I am off to a poker nite (wehay) at 7:30, but until then CONTACT ME ON MSN!!! ([email protected]) if you need my mobile number, after then if you contact chenko he can give it to you (and my number)
Just a quick reminder to all that there is the 8:50 'meeting point' again, only definates I have are me and chenko, I assume mr eildolldillyon will be there, anyone else? (guys coming down and staying over nite one presumes)