they are similar ipc so they will do. in games. the problem is the future and more games using more cores. those two extra on the 3700x will most likely be worth it in many ways. especially if you building a system to last you a few years.we already at you need x6 cores for a lot of games. so imagine in two years. that will be 8 cores.
also the whole launch to be honest has been a minefield. low stock almost paper launch. retailers not getting deliveries on time. phantom sales. old motherboards basically like russian roulette. some have old boards working right some dont. even on flash back boards with no cpus needed. which are supposed to work fine. then you see some older boards VRMs not capable of taking the heat of higher end new chips. which is one of the main reasons many have fell for the AMD sales pitch of just drop in a new cpu. if only it was that simple and for many it wont be.
its to be expected with a new platform launch but...a lot of this is not well planned or taken care of. the performance when working right is not that bad pretty great in many ways but with intel launching new chips at end of this year and you know they will just work you have to wonder can amd just not just get it right and more streamlined.
im still actually interested in getting a 3700x if they can sort all this mess out in a adequate time with less of the issues. also report on which motherboards run fine with no potential issues. if they didnt have the fans on the new x570 chipset i bet many would just be plumping for those without a care. oh...yes the price...
what are people recommendations for buying new motherboards at the moment ? not x570 but can handle the higher end cpus all the way upto the 3900x.
3700x is what i think i will go with but want to play with the 3900. will a b450 be fine with that ?