OCUK Safe Space

Why is my left kneecap resting on this hill? 5m away...

A replacement methinks is in order.
Checked the date, not the 1st of April.

Still not sure if OP is serious.

As mentioned SC is what you are looking for despite some threads being very biased echo chambers but I suspect the Op is OK with that, wanting a space space and all.
Runes of silence circle round
Coiling pyramids unbound
Lysander beds in sacks around
The fell skypyre of day
I'd like a cup of tea, and 2 scones with jam and whipped fresh cream. Plus a woolen blanket, thx.
I want a safe space to be un-PC. I think it's disgusting that in this day and age of "wokeness", people think it's ok to persecute you just for being "un-woke" and un-PC. I find it highly offensive that I'm not allowed to offend people!
You want a space where people aren't allowed to disagree with you?
I think you need to grow up.

Literally the most pathetic OP I've ever witnessed on here!
There are certain topics that crop up too frequently in GD and a few nutjobs always beating the same old tired drum, but overall I think it's alright. This, motors and cuisine are the only subs I really bother with, unless I actually (shock horror!) have a computer-related query of course but that tends to only happen every few years when my rig inevitably breaks and I need to build a new one.
Guys, can we please mollycoddle OP like he asked? He’s obviously a sensitive princess and wants us to watch him play with his dolls nicely.
What is a forum without discussion?

You might as well just write it in a .txt document and keep it to yourself if you are not interested in hearing an alternative viewpoint.
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