***OcUK Secret Santa 2011 - Discussion!***

No pro blay mo ;) I found it cheaper elsewhere AND with gift wrapping :D Still a bit more than the max but worth it tbh I reckon.
I've just found the best thing in the world! But theres only one left in the shop and I haven't found the 'main' gift for my victim. argh!
Look at the file size n00b.


tbh Maccy im gutted im not your SS, you would have got a black t-shirt and written accross the chest would be please read the FAQ regarding signiture sizes , and a pressie worth £15+ mind :) <3
i was gonna put the sig FAQ on the back as well lol

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No idea what to get my guy. Their posts don't seem to give much away, may just have to pick something cool that I see and hope that they like it!
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