**OcUK Secret Santa 2012 - The UnWrapUp**

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OOooo a nice
Avatar then thanks to KD.
There are at least three names I am very surprised to see on the list, but there you go!

More than enough warnings were given though, so I am sure if there were some genuine 'excuses' for non compliance with the rules, then we would have heard them by now!

The time has finally come... it would appear! :(

There was also a chocolate orange and wine gums, but they're gone :)

Thanks SS. And sorry for the late pic, I was sure I had posted one.

Funny thing, I bought one of these for a family member at crimbo and wished I had also ordered one for myself. My SS was a mind reader.
Ok, so Marky has said he's thinking his 'share' can go to charity, but I feel we should get him something small at the very least. What do people suggest?

This is beginning to drag on a bit now. Much like Shaypergate last year. Avatar/Name changes should surely be an easy fix and should have been done days ago (Personally I think a grinch avatar would be a step up from some of the new ones on offer but thats a different thread!)

If you want to buy those that did not receive anything a small present and donate the rest to charity then fine. I think it is fair to say that those who have donated a few quid wont mind how the money is spent as the options you have already given are all reasonable and those people trust you to make the correct call. If you wait for the approval of every person involved in the SS though we will be here til next Christmas.

I'm a big supporter of the idea of the OCUK SS think it is a nice way of generating a bit of community spirit around here. I can accept that some people will sadly not respect the community enough to comply with the rules of the exchange but what puts me off is the pussyfooting around when it comes to enforcing the rules set out at the beginning.

This is not a personal dig at you kd (it is a problem which has arisen most years) and you have been great with the organization and chasing up of late presents etc. Just please finish it already ;)

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